วันเสาร์, มกราคม 23, 2553

John Kerry: A Perennial Second Banana

...forever doomed to be #2, a sidekick, a foil, an afterthought, the guy who's name shows up in the credits when they get to "also starring"....

Oh yeah - and the guy who came in second in the 2004 presidential election...

Just desserts are always delicious:

Just when he was set to bask in the limelight as the Bay State’s senior senator, Democrat John F. Kerry is being pushed back into the political shadows, forced to play the liberal foil to GOP superstar Scott Brown.

“He’s out of the shadow of Ted Kennedy and he’s finally the senior senator, and he still is being upstaged by this new rising star within the Republican ranks,” said George Serra, a political professor at Bridgewater State College.

Decades spent eclipsed by Kennedy were not easy for Kerry.

“ ‘John Kerry doesn’t get anything done. John Kerry lives in the shadow of Ted Kennedy. John Kerry doesn’t deliver. Blah, blah, blah,’ ” Kerry told the Herald in an October 2008 interview. “I’m sort of tired of that, actually....

On Capitol Hill this week, Kerry’s office was filled with reporters and cameras, but they were following the newly elected Brown....

Brown is the game changer, and Kerry, who thought just days ago that his rise to pre-eminence in his bluest of blue states was inevitable, now finds himself on the wrong side of the electorate in a state that decided they'd rather be red than dead.

John - that's gotta hurt. But then I remember you were the guy that went before Congress some 30+ years ago, and swore that your comrades in Vietnam were spending their days shooting children, and their nights raping women.

Now, Senator - do you understand why it is said that revenge is a dish best served cold?


2 ความคิดเห็น:

Insurance Telemarketing กล่าวว่า...

That's a pretty cool find!! We should take that DNA and start making double-bananas en masse.

Always America First กล่าวว่า...

They would rather be red than dead. AWESOME line!!