วันพฤหัสบดี, มกราคม 07, 2553

Barack Obama: Suing New Jersey!

Ready for a teachable moment, my fellow New Jerseyans?

In a socialist state, no matter how gung-ho you are for The Party, all it takes is one little slip-up to send you to the gulag, regardless of all those other treasons you may have committed on its behalf.

Hey- you badly embarrassed The One by tossing his butt-buddy and moneyman, Jon Corzine, out of Jersey on his fat sorry ass (the wallet cushioned the blow, though). So He Who Is Change is going to bring his wrath down upon you, oh ye of less than pure blue faith, and he's gonna do it the only way his type know how: With a lawsuit!

...the Obama administration this afternoon announced that it is going to drag yet another jurisdiction into such a costly legal battle, bringing a disparate-impact challenge against “New Jersey’s use of a written examination for promotion to the rank of police sergeant in localities throughout the state.” No allegation that the test, by its terms, design, or application, is discriminatory — just that African Americans and Hispanics have not done as well on it.

From Eric Holder's Fortress of Vengeance- sorry, I mean the Justice Department:

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department today filed a lawsuit against the state of New Jersey and the New Jersey Civil Service Commission alleging a pattern or practice of employment discrimination against African-Americans and Hispanics, in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The complaint challenges New Jersey’s use of a written examination for promotion to the rank of police sergeant in localities throughout the state.

The United States’ complaint alleges that African-American and Hispanic candidates for promotion to sergeant pass the examination at significantly lower rates than white candidates. The complaint also alleges that even those African-American and Hispanic candidates who pass the examination suffer discrimination because their passing examination scores are significantly lower than those of white candidates, and New Jersey certifies candidates for promotion to police sergeant in descending rank-order based primarily upon each candidate’s written examination score. The complaint concludes that New Jersey’s use of the examination violates Title VII because the state has not demonstrated that its pass/fail use of the police sergeant written examination or its certification of candidates in descending rank-order to local jurisdictions is job related and consistent with business necessity.

The last sentence is unbelievable, and terrifying. Reads to me as if the DOJ admits that while it can't prove the test is discriminatory, it is suing New Jersey and forcing them to prove that it is not. In other words, the state is now forced to defend itself against a crime that the government admits hasn't even legally happened.

And how much will this cost the state of New Jersey? You know Chris Christie is going to fight it, as he should, and it will run a bundle. This, on top of the extra Medicare burden the state will soon pay under Obamacare, the collapse its heavy industry (ah, that stretch of the Turnpike!) under a regime of cap and trade, and the Corzine-bloated social welfare budget, leads one to wonder: Can the state of New Jersey make it through the year 2010 without turning into Cali East?

And one can be assured, incidentally, that if Jon Corzine had remained governor, this lawsuit will never have been brought. Nothing screams fascism like terrorizing political adversaries and sowing fear among your foes via control of the legal apparatus, right, Mr. HopeandChange?

Hmmm...maybe it's a subtle shot across the bow of the state of Massachusetts, a warning to the faithful that they dare not stray, lest the face the consequences...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Jim - PRS กล่าวว่า...

"And one can be assured, incidentally, that if Jon Corzine had remained governor, this lawsuit will never have been brought. "

That's for damned sure.

CrazyDaisy In Jersey กล่าวว่า...

Can I say how much I detest our schmuck president?