วันเสาร์, มีนาคม 10, 2550

Terrorist Homepage

The Washington Post continues its role as a mouthpiece for the Palestinian party line, blaming you-know-who for all of the problems that beset the poor Hamas-loving, terrorist supporting, Jew-hating Palestinians:

Gaza has been further impoverished in the past year by Israeli border restrictions and an international aid embargo.

Unemployment and poverty rates have jumped sharply in the strip, a largely resourceless 140-square-mile stretch of sand dunes, warrens of gray tenements and roads cratered by Israeli artillery shells and neglect. Eight in 10 of Gaza's 1.4 million residents now rely to some extent on U.N. food aid.

Er...any explanation given as to why Israel has placed these "restrictions" on Gaza? Perhaps an accounting of last summer's cross-border raids by Hamas, or the non-stop shelling of Israeli border towns by Palestinian terrorists, would explain why some roads are "cratered by Israeli artillary shells"? How about noting that Israel gave the Gazans everything the world had asked them to give - the removal of all troops, control of all remaining infrastructure, as well as financial aid packages - and they responded by voting in a terrorist group that made the destruction of Israel their number one priority?

Oh, pardon me! The WaPost does add perspective...well, the perspective of the terrorist leadership of Gaza, at least - and they know who to blame for all of their woes:

Palestinian officials say the growing separation is designed to prevent an economically sustainable state from emerging in Gaza and the West Bank.

"This is clearly Israel's intent," said Mohammed Dahlan, a powerful Fatah lawmaker from Gaza who has negotiated with Israel over the years. "It's not just a question of besieging Gaza, but of separating it from the rest of the world."

...."The Israelis are trying to create a split reality on the ground," said Ahmed Bahar, 58, a Hamas founder who is now the deputy speaker of parliament.

Not one quote from an Israeli of any stripe to counter this radical propoganda. Why bother, I guess - when the headline to this filth reads "Under Pressure, Palestinian Territories Pull Apart" ? That lead tells us implicitly who is applying that pressure, the story simple explains why (because Jews are hateful people who wish to tear the Palestinians apart for their own amusement, of course!), and there is no need for the WaPost to balance that out with any information from the Israeli corner - after all, this is the terrorist's homepage we are talkng about here....

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Erica กล่าวว่า...

"Eight in 10 of Gaza's 1.4 million residents now rely to some extent on U.N. food aid."

Yes, and the rest rely on the "cash-strapped" Hamas.

The mind reels from the whining, kvetching, lies and double-standards on the part of the Palestinians.

They're like having a frickin' boil on the ass that never goes the hell away. As a Jew, they pain me to no end, and I don't even live there.