วันอังคาร, มีนาคม 13, 2550

It's about the Jews, again....

Out of all the criticisms that race-baiter Al Sharpton could conjour up to derail Barak Obama's candidacy, this was an telling choice:

Rev. Sharpton told
CBS News yesterday that he wanted Senator Obama, a Democrat of Illinois, to explain why he backed Senator Lieberman when the Connecticut lawmaker was locked in a tight race for the Democratic Party nomination for the Senate last year.

"Why shouldn't the black community ask questions? Are we now being told, ‘You all just shut up?" CBS quoted Rev. Sharpton as saying. " Senator Obama and I agree that the war is wrong, but then I want to know why he went to Connecticut and helped Lieberman, the biggest supporter of the war."

Rev. Sharpton's decision to criticize Mr. Obama's support last year for Mr. Lieberman is an interesting one.

Let's dig a little deeper....Is Lieberman the only Democrat that voted for the war in Iraq that Obama campaigned for/with? Unlikely; so why is Reverend Al so anxious to tie them together? Perhaps Sharpton is trying to rile the "nutroots" and remind them that Obama supported their primary foe? A bit more likely...

Well, what do the nutroots and Al Sharpton both have in common? A deeply-held anti-semitism, of course. The Kos folks amd their ilk scattered among the far left blame all of the world's ills on Israel and the "Jewish Lobby"; while Sharpton has been agitating anti-semitic crowds for years, from the
Crown Heights riots (which killed one) to the inferno at Freddy's in Manhattan (which killed five).

So the game becomes clear - 'ol Al is using the "racial codewords" that he claims to despise to turn the black vote and the extreme liberal Democratic vote away from Obama by reminding them he supported - gasp - a Jew. And since Jews are the ones (via AIPAC and all their other avenues of evil influence) who forced America to fight Iraq - to protect Israel - Obama thereby supports the war, and is simply a tool of the Jewish lobby.

Folks, the anti-semitism that lurks beneath the surface of the Democratic Party is starting to bubble, as the heat starts to rise in anticipation of the primary season. We predict it will come fully out into the open before 2007 is even out; leaving the Democrats in the unenviable position of having to alienate their far-left base, or accept their hatreds into their, ahem, "big tent".

Well, at least it will relieve Al "Sc*mbag" Sharpton of having to speak in codes....

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Erica กล่าวว่า...

"...is Lieberman the only Democrat that voted for the war in Iraq that Obama campaigned for/with?"

He surely is the most prominent, though.

Listening to anything Al Sharpton has to say is like subscribing to the NY Times editorial section as doctrine. It's pure horsecrap. Same thing with the meshugenahs over at the DailyKos (curse them all).

These are the same people who blamed the tsunami on Israel and the Jooooooos. And Sharpton, that nitwit, he is always comparing apples 'n oranges.

The man is out of his mind and I'd sooner listen to what comes out of the mouth of a festering wound than I would that baboon's butt.