วันอาทิตย์, มีนาคม 11, 2550

Hillary: Looking for a Sympathy F**k?

Oh, that wacky Hillary Clinton...she reminds me of a young, desperate, me - trying to cajole woman into intimacy no matter what the cost to my dignity. In Hillary's case, it's all about votes, of course:

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton invoked the campaign of the nation's lone Catholic president, John Kennedy, last night as she talked about her challenge in becoming the first female commander-in-chief.
"He was smart, he was dynamic, he was inspiring and he was Catholic. A lot of people back then [1960] said, 'America will never elect a Catholic as president,' " the White House hopeful told the New Hampshire Democrats' 100 Club fund-raiser here.

"But those who gathered here almost a half century ago knew better," she said. "They believed America was bigger than that and Americans would give Sen. John F. Kennedy a fair shake, and the rest, as they say, is history."
Noting women are "the majority" of voters and are in the workforce in "record numbers," she added, "So when people tell me 'a woman can never be president,' I say, we'll never know unless we try."

I see three of my old techniques here:
- comparing myself to someone smarter and more handsome than I (Hill's JFK reference)
- offering myself up as something different (Hillary as first Madame President)
- trying to conjure up the image of unimaginable pleasures ("Never know unless we try")

I salute your spirit, Hillary, as someone who has been down your torturous road before. But be forewarned - if you wind up with as many votes as I obtained lovers with our shared "technique", expect to be spending many lonely nights at home....

Incidentally, I would have no qualms whatsoever about voting to elect a woman president in 2008. Unfortunately, Condoleezza Rice has chosen not to run....

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OMG, too funny!
Poor Hillary - you would think, married to Bill, that she wouldn't come off as so desperate!

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