วันจันทร์, มีนาคม 26, 2550

A Blogiversary !

So it has been exactly two years since I started this blog - the so-called “blogiversary”, if you will...

I’ve seen some bloggers practically dislocate their shoulders patting themselves on the back on this occasion; not quite my style. But I will say that I started blogging really as a way to get my thoughts on the world as it is (and as it should be) out of my head and onto “paper”, virtual though it may be. Blogging became a way to vent, more than anything else. I thought I would eventually spend out my frustration, and become bored with writing for an invisible audience, leaving my URL to die on the vine, more a snapshot of a few months in my life than anything else.

Turned out different than I expected, like so much in life…I enjoyed it more than I thought; and what started out as a hobby now borders on an obsession; one that I occasionally need to force myself to walk away from.
Bottom line – nothing’s over; hopefully I’ve just begun (which is a strange thing to say on my 904th post!).

And a big thanks to the thousands upon thousands whom have stopped by to pay a visit; to read, to write, to sneer…I have actually learned from my comments that there are more people than I thought who can respectfully disagree based upon solid argumentation; I’ve enjoyed some of that give and take tremendously; it has broadened me and tempered me.

And the most important thing that I have discovered, to my great relief, is that there is a vast number of intelligent Americans on both side of the aisle who actually do dissect issues and make value judgements that are part of a thought-out process. The talking heads in the mainstream media bemoan the “ignorant Americans” whom they claim pay no attention to the travails of the world today; yet the mere existence of the blogosphere, “run” almost entirely by private citizens, debunks that myth (or is it a conceit?). The average blogger speaks for more people than your run-of-the-mill newspaper columnist or televised talking head (and generally writes better as well); and that simple fact has given me renewed confidence in America’s ability to chose wisely, and correctly…

And finally, thanks to my fellow bloggers for the occasional link; the fact that I have written something that another would think to recommend is the highest compliment I can think of.

Again, my very humble thanks.
Now, back to work…

6 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Good work, guy!
Keep it up - we need your voice!

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Happy Blogiversary and many more. One year. It hasn't been that long since Right Truth celebrated one year. It's a milestone and feels so good.

Like you, I'm humbled that folks take time out of their busy days to stop by, read and comment. Makes a person feel good.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Two years? Congrats !
Hope you don't think you really write for an "invisible audience"; seems like, based on your inbound links and such, you have a good core audience - and isn't than better than a large and fickle one!

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Thank you Debbie, and thanks to my anonymous friends!
It is for you, and those like you, that I write....

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Congrats. Keep strokin'. I've become a regular.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Thanks Jim...you're an inspiration!