วันจันทร์, มิถุนายน 05, 2549

Today's Best!

Oh, those wacky "enviornmentalists" ...Tim Blair reports:

Puzzling thing about environmentalists; for folks dedicated to Gaia, they’re oddly given to analysing the planet according to narrow human-centric measures. For

The world’s deserts are being threatened “as never before”, particularly by climate change, but can still be used as a key resource if action is taken to protect them, according to a report released on Monday.

Those deserts were formerly lakes or forests or something else other than deserts. But it is their current status—as deserts, during the relatively brief time in which environmentalists are alive to stare at them—which must be preserved. Weird, no? Same deal with the once-tropical
North Pole, now forbidden to return to its previous Gaia-ordained condition. Change is the planet’s normal state; why do environmentalists wish to arrest it? Why are they anti-nature?

Damian Penny gets an answer to " What would Jesus drive?":

A letter from Jack Wolock of Columbus, Ohio - wonder if Ranald knows him? - in the July Car and Driver:

Would Jesus drive an SUV? Of course. Here's why: The total gas consumption of three VW Beetles - or six Mazda Miatas - to haul Jesus and his apostles would be far greater than if he drove the largest SUV. (Only Judas would have had to walk.)

Not quite. The
Chevy Suburban has seating for eight, and the much-maligned Ford Excursion only carries nine passengers. (In any event, the Excursion ceased production last year.) On the other hand, if our Lord had an extended-body Ford E-350 van, he could chauffeur around not only his disciples - including Judas, who presumably would be relegated to the back row - but even his wife and kid.

American Marines are brutal baby killers! Wait,
they're not!

"A reader captures what has been in my mind and gut for the last few days: 'The BBC just released a video alleging yet another covered-up massacre of civilians by American personel [sic] in Iraq. 5 women, 4 children, and 2 men in Ishaqi in March. Just when I think I'm totally numb, I find out a fellow American may have executed a 6 month-old baby in the name of protecting me, and I can't hold back tears. What country are we in?' The same country that now practices torture. Cheney country."--Time magazine's Andrew Sullivan, June 2,
2:55 p.m.

"The conclusions about Ishaqi also seem to me to be provisional. More evidence may yet emerge. We should be cautious about drawing any firm conclusions yet."--Time magazine's Andrew Sullivan, June 2,
7:54 p.m., responding to the news that an investigation has cleared U.S. troops of wrongdoing at Ishaqi

Finally...is Iran's spiritual leader reading the Washington Post?

Ayatollah Khamenei called on America's ruling administration to compare it with the Iranian government and its president with the Iranian President so that it realizes its status in the world.
"At present, the American administration is one of the most abhorred administrations in the American history, while the Iranian serving administration is one of the most popular administrations since the Mashrooteh constitutional revolution a century ago ," the IR Leader said.

Nothing like starting your week off with a little treason!
