วันศุกร์, มิถุนายน 09, 2549

The Nick and Cindy Show!

Seems like Mr. Michael Berg, father of Nicholas Berg, whose throat was cut open in front of the cameras by al-Zarqawi, is trying to outdo Cindy Sheehan...from Daimination:

The father of Nicholas Berg, a U.S. contractor believed to have been beheaded by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq, said Thursday that al-Zarqawi's killing will only perpetuate the cycle of violence in the Middle East.
"I think al-Zarqawi's death is a double tragedy," Michael Berg told The Associated Press after learning a U.S. airstrike had killed the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq. "His death will incite a new wave of revenge. George Bush and al-Zarqawi are two men who believe in revenge."
Berg said the blame for most deaths in Iraq should be placed on President Bush, who he said is "more of a terrorist than Zarqawi."
"Zarqawi felt my son's breath on his hand as held the knife against his throat. Zarqawi had to look in his eyes when he did it," Berg added, pausing to collect himself. "George Bush sits there glassy-eyed in his office with pieces of paper and condemns people to death. That to me is a real terrorist."

That's what he told the Associated Press. Here's what he told

"I don't think that Zarqawi is himself responsible for the killings of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq," Berg said in a combative television interview with the U.S. Fox News network. " I think George Bush is.
"George Bush is the one that invaded this country, George Bush is the one that destabilized it so that Zarqawi could get in, so that Zarqawi had a need to get in, to defend his region of the country from American invaders." [Zarqawi was from
Jordan - DJP]

When an Islamist Web site showed the video of a man severing Berg's head, the CIA said Zarqawi was probably the one wielding the knife. The father said he was not convinced.
"I have been lied to by my own government," he told Reuters on Thursday.

These are some really off the wall, hateful remarks. But I am starting to wonder about folk like Michael Berg and Cindy Sheehan...how badly psychologically damaged have they been by the deaths of their children?
There is no doubt that the loss of a child has to be one of the most gut-wrenching emotional events that can occur in one's lifetime; it is simply unnatural:

A rich man asked a
Zen master to write something down that could encourage the prosperity of his family for years to come. It would be something that the family could cherish for generations.

On a large piece of paper, the master wrote, "Father dies, son dies, grandson dies."
The rich man became angry when he saw the master's work. "I asked you to write something down that could bring happiness and prosperity to my family. Why do you give me something depressing like this?"

"If your son should die before you," the master answered, "this would bring unbearable grief to your family. If your grandson should die before your son, this also would bring great sorrow. If your family, generation after generation, disappears in the order I have described, it will be the natural course of life. This is true happiness and prosperity."

So it would not surprise me if Mr. Berg and Ms. Sheehan have lost some touch with reality; it is probably not uncommon in this case. But that would make them mentally unbalanced, a little sick, a little disturbed. If that is the case, what does one say about the left-wing groups like MoveOn and CodePink, as well as the idiots on Kos, who exploit these people and their tragic pain/illness in order to further their own political agenda?
And what does that say about the media, who constantly follow these folks around, annointing them with "absolute moral authority", and giving them attention way out of perspective with the limited following they have, all in order to push their own anti-war agenda?

It is a sad day, a sad time, when political movements, aided by mainstream media outlets, exploit and abuse emotionally damaged individuals in this way. There is no doubt that in short order, these two will be disposed of by all except the hardcore lefties, and Nick and Cindy will find themselves alone, utterly alone, except for a deep-set psychological void that will become a chasm; one that they will most likely fall into and lose themselves in for the rest of their lives.
If the people who are using the Bergs/Sheehans of the world had an ounce of shame, they would be feeling it right about now.

For me, well, I have bashed Cindy and Michael Berg in the past, but I will try to avoid doing so in the future. I will continue to hate the message, but I will feel only sadness and pity for the messenger.

As for those whom use and exploit sick people for their own selfish ends...they are beneath my contempt.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

You do realize it was your precious Fox news that has had Mike Berg on as well, right?

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Yes, I do. And while I appreciate Fox's perspective, they are equally as wrong to put these people on TV, even if only to make them look insane. It's poor taste.