วันจันทร์, มิถุนายน 12, 2549

Israel Under Seige

And how much of it is Israeli Prime Minister Olmert's fault? Apparently enthralled with his newfound prestige, he globe-trots trying to be a good little Jew for EU functionaries, while Israel is shelled without mercy from the animals ruling Gaza. Actually, DEBKA has the best headline:

As Israeli prime minister takes his realignment plan from one European non-buyer to the next, Sderot and its Negev neighbors battered by Hamas missiles are in danger of depopulation
Will Olmert Give up Sderot too?

As it turned out, the first leg of the prime minister’s tour was mostly a waste of time; British prime minister Tony Blair declined to hear of his realignment plan for the West Bank, even though Olmert pledged 90% of the West Bank for a Palestinian state and a major effort to achieve a negotiated agreement with the Palestinians. He also omitted to endorse Olmert’s ringing declaration that Israel will not tolerate a nuclear-armed Iran.
The Israeli leader’s entire trip is dogged by TV footage of a Palestinian child, 7 of whose relatives were killed in an explosion on Gaza beach last Friday. It is taken for granted that Israeli artillery was responsible, even though a military probe points strongly in the direction of a Hamas bomb trap laid on the beach for Israeli commandos.

With its prime minister far away, the small town of Sderot is being battered non-stop by Qassam missiles night and day from the Gaza Strip one kilometer away. One citizen was seriously injured, dozens suffered minor injures, the schools are shut for lack of shelters, and a steady exodus of refugees is depleting the struggling Negev town of 20,000 inhabitants.

The Hamas threat to turn Sderot into a ghost town is coming true...

The more Hamas is allowed to win significant victories like these, the more power it will gain internally; the more similar groups will pop up all over the Middle East. Olmert remains paralized by the video making its rounds in Europe of a 7 year old girl crying for her father, killed by an alleged "Israeli shell" on the Gaza beachfront. Of course, it now appears as if that little girl lost her dad to a mine planted on said beach by Hamas to repel an Israeli "invasion":

The IDF probe investigating the deaths of seven Palestinian civilians, caused by an explosion on a beach in Gaza on Friday evening, concluded that chances were slim that the accident was caused by IDF shelling.
According to Channel 2, the findings, expected to be formally released on Tuesday, showed an inconsistency between the shrapnel found in the body of one of the wounded babies and the metal used in IDF artillery. Moreover, the investigation noted the absence of a large enough crater at the site of the explosion, as would be expected if an IDF shell had landed there.

The leading theory currently entertained, suggested that an explosive charge, buried by Palestinians on the Gaza beach to prevent Israeli infiltration, was behind the explosion.
Throughout the whole investigation, army officials complained about the lack of Palestinian cooperation. Unconfirmed reports further suggested attempts by Palestinians to remove shrapnel from the bodies of the wounded, treated in Israeli hospitals, thus impeding the investigation.

Of course, the European press wants none of this truth-stuff, and sticks to the Palestinian propoganda line even as the story crumbles. Apparently, not only is Olmert unable to defend Israel militarily, he cannot even defend them from the Arabists and hate-media outlets overseas.

All this, while Ariel Sharon, Israel's last great lion, slumbers in a netherworld between life and death. One almost prays for a Hollywood-style plot twist here - Sharon to rise, one more time, to defend Israel and its peoples from the beast that slathers at its door, before falling back to sleep for the last time...

If it has come to this, at hope's end, where the JerseyNut loses all hope in common sense and the truth of one's own eyes, and resorts to praying for a miracle, than perhaps we are looking at the end of the bright light that shines to us from the Holy Land...
