วันอังคาร, มิถุนายน 06, 2549

Oh, Canada!

Bud Talkinghorn speaks of the Canadian media's response to the raids which netted a home-grown Islamist terror cell, and points out the (lack of) response of Canada's Muslim community as well:

...the usual spokesmen for the Islamic diaspora maintained that this was an isolated incident, thus had nothing to do with "true" peaceful Islam. CBC's role in pumping out this message, while secretly trying to cast doubt on the entire raid was rather obvious. One method was to yoke reportage on the Canadian terrorist cell to a possibly botched anti-terrorism raid in England. Then there was the notorious Monday interview with Ali Hindy, the radical imam from the Salaheddin Islamic Center. The CBC interviewer mostly just let Hindy rant away about the Canadian security forces, which he claimed were targeting young Muslim men for no reason. His best denunciations were "[The raids were] just so departments can justify their budgets...This is to keep George W Bush happy, that's all." The only surprise was, not that the interviewer didn't vociferously attack his illogical, paranoid interpretations--that was expected--but that Hindy didn't claim that all the arrested were actually undercover Mossad agents....

Where are the urgent cries from our Muslims to disband the virulent terror blog sites, or to investigate the anti-western rhetoric flowing out of their mosques and education (indoctrination) centers? Or even for a call to Muslims to end their self-imposed exile from mainstream Canadian attitudes? What we are getting instead is this self-serving pap about Canadian racism and Islamophobia. Meanwhile Fahim Bukari, the Director of the Missasauga Islamic Center admitted that Qayyam Jamal, a volunteer there, was a close friend of five of the arrested youths. He had been warned by numerous people, including a Liberal MP, that the man was dangerous radical. Bukari admitted he wasn't surprised by the raid and Mr. Jamal's role in it. Yet no attempt was made to ban him from the center. Rather suspicious behaviour for a director who claims to be a moderate.

Come to think of it, I've rarely heard any overt criticism of the worldwide atrocites committed in Allah's name...

No, no, NO, Bud - you obviously don't get it...you see, it's a "Religion of Peace"....whatever the problem is, it cannot, must not, originate from the Muslims...so it has to be you, you - you - racist SOB!

Yeah, that's the ticket...

UPDATE: Rachael Mardsen, where have you been? A conservative Canuck concurs:

As the authorities have said, "It's important to note this operation in no way reflects negatively on any specific community or ethnocultural group" - right before revealing a list of suspect names that read like a cast list for Osama bin Laden's "E! True Hollywood Story."

Some suspects are "Canadian citizens," authorities say. Right - nothing but toque-wearing, maple-syrup-loving, Wayne "Mohammed" Gretzkys.

They know how to play us, anyway. A lawyer for one suspect is already threatening civil lawsuits. Another complained about tactical police officers with guns just outside the courthouse during the suspects' first appearance....

Up until the recent election of a Conservative government, Canada has been the doofus who keeps getting shoved into lockers, but still figures that if he gives up more lunches and bus money, the haranguing will end.

Yet the new Conservative government under Prime Minister Stephen Harper has already denounced Iran and Hamas, deported illegal immigrants and told anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan to shove it during a recent visit.

There's a new sheriff in town. But will the townspeople will back him up?
