วันเสาร์, มิถุนายน 10, 2549

John Murtha, House Majority Leader?

Well, that's exactly what we might get, should the Democrats recapture the House in November. I wouldn't put it past that staunch defender of America, that true patriot, John Murtha, who in the past has said such things as the following...

Our troops have become the primary target of the insurgency. ... We have become a catalyst for violence. It's time to bring them home.”
{Of course, Zaqawri would be running Iraq now, but...}

"We're the targets ... we're uniting the enemy against us,”
{No shpit, genius - we are fighting the insurgents}

“We're overextended worldwide, ... We have too small an Army for the job that we're doing, yet we can't increase the size of the Army because it's volunteer and we can't enlist anybody"
{a lie - enlistment is up}

"The troops don't know what to do."
{that's really supporting the troops, Johnny boy!}

"All of Iraq must know that Iraq is free. Free from United States occupation. I believe this will send a signal to the Sunnis to join the political process for the good of a "free" Iraq. "
{Osama bin Ladin calls for Iraq to be free from US occupation! No, wait, that was House majority leader John Murtha!)

...the Army is "broken, worn out" and "living hand to mouth,"
(more lies..}

'Marines over-reacted... and killed innocent civilians in cold blood,' Congressman John Murtha, a former marine, told the Washington Post.
{Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty? Or does that only apply to terror suspects at Gitmo?}

....to be given the opportunity by the Democratic party to run the House of Representatives! The Washington Post reports:

Rep. John P. Murtha (Pa.), one of the Democrats' leading antiwar voices, startled his political colleagues yesterday by announcing he would seek a senior leadership position if the Democrats win control of the House in November.
In a letter that he circulated on the floor during a series of votes, Murtha said he is eyeing the No. 2 position. "If we prevail as I hope and know we will and return to the majority this next Congress, I have decided to run for the open seat of the Majority Leader," Murtha wrote.

Just remember, when you pull the lever next to the (D) in November, you are voting for John Murtha as well, and all of the miserable, hateful things (and outright lies) he has said about our troops and our country.

Please think twice!
