วันพุธ, มิถุนายน 14, 2549

Misleading Headline of the Day !

U.S.-trained expert says shell was Israeli

A U.S.-trained military expert disputed on Wednesday an Israeli claim that it had nothing to do with an explosion that killed eight Palestinian beachgoers

But Marc Garlasco, a military expert from New York-based Human Rights Watch, inspected the damage, the shrapnel and the wounds and came to a different conclusion....

Garlasco was the first independent expert to examine the scene, though Israel has doubts about his conclusions and about Human Rights Watch. He was in Gaza doing research for the human rights group when the explosion killed eight people on Friday afternoon, seven of them relatives.

....Israeli officials consider the human rights group biased in favor of the Palestinians.....

Israeli army spokesman Capt. Jacob Dallal said Wednesday that the beach area is used by militants, so "this is also a battleground. This area is used for terror groups to launch (rockets) on Israel," noting that a rocket was fired from the area on Wednesday.

Israeli analyst Gerald Steinberg, who heads a watchdog group called NGO Monitor, charged that Garlasco is not a credible expert, and Human Rights Watch officials have "a long and carefully documented history of exploiting human rights claims to promote a clear anti-Israel political and ideological bias."

As we discussed yesterday, seems like besides their "expert's" opinion, Human Rights Watch has no - what's that word again? - evidence to support their position. Israel seems to have done its due dilligence; not that it matters to a media and a world population that cannot wait to evicerate them.

The headline is galling; it tries to refute Israel's protestation of innocence by claiming a U.S. expert declared the ordinance ot be of Israeli origin, when it is simply the claim of the hired hand of a George-Soros funded leftist organization...so let's learn a bit about this AP-declared expert, shall we? From Mother Jones, of all places:

Marc Garlasco is the senior military analyst at Human Rights Watch (HRW), and is HRW’s resident expert on battle damage assessment, military operations, and interrogations. Marc also leads HRW’s work on Abu Ghurayb, civilian military contractors, and non-lethal weapons.
Marc is the co-author of two HRW reports: “Razing Rafah: Mass Home demolitions in the Gaza Strip,” and “Off Target: The Conduct of the War and Civilian Casualties in Iraq.” He led a team of researchers in July 2004 on a one-month mission to Gaza, Israel, and Egypt to investigate home demolitions in Rafah. Before that he led a five-week mission in 2003 throughout Iraq to assess the conduct of the war in Iraq.

Seem like a real non-biased guy, right? But the sad part is, it just doesn't matter - the Palestinians could run off anti-Israel libel on an old mimeograph machine on a daily basis a la Josef Goebbels, and the world would trip over themselves in a rush to believe it, and to see whom could damn the Jews to hell the loudest....

No thanks to this miserable headline from the AP...
