วันจันทร์, มิถุนายน 19, 2549

Joe Lieberman, Torn Asunder By His Own...

Joe Lieberman is one of the few stand-up men of good character in Democratic party; and although I have criticized him in the past primarily for not denouncing some of the rising anti-semitism within his own party, I have a soft spot for the guy in my heart. That's why I feel bad watching the Democrats make this guy a target for their Bush-hatred; they are like animals eating their own. Mark Steyn:

...the most significant portent for the Dems may not be their stupendous flopperoo in the California special election nor the death of Zarqawi nor the non-indictment of Karl Rove -- though, taken together, they render pretty threadbare the Democrat strategy of relying on Republican immigration splits, bad news in Iraq and the GOP's "culture of corruption." No, the revealing development is Joe Lieberman's troubles in Connecticut. Six years ago, he was the party's beaming vice presidential nominee. Two years ago, he was an also-ran for the presidential nomination. This summer, he's an incumbent senator struggling not to lose in his own primary to a candidate who's the darling of the anti-war netroots left. What's the senator done to offend the base? Nothing -- except be broadly supportive of the Iraq campaign and other military goals in the war on terror. He's one of a very few Democrats who give the impression they'd like America to win.

But in today's Democratic Party it's the mainstream that gets marginalized. Forty years ago, George Aiken recommended that in Vietnam America "declare victory and go home." Today, the likes of Jack Murtha, John Kerry and Ted Kennedy have come up with their own ingenious improvement: Declare defeat and go home.

No surprise then seeing the one of the other darlings of the far left, mad scientist Al Gore, stab his former running mate in the back, then twisting the knife:

Interviewed on Bloomberg TV, Al Gore refused to endorse his former vice presidential running mate, Sen. Joe Lieberman (C-CT), in his re-election race. Said Gore: "I am not involved. I typically do not get involved in Democratic primaries. Joe is my close friend, Joe and Hadassah are close to Tipper and me and it would be very difficult for me to ever oppose him. But I don't get involved in primaries typically. He's a great guy and he's right on a lot of other issues."

Of course, Gore did get involved in the 2004 Democratic presidential primaries and backed Howard Dean over Lieberman.

Jonah Goldberg comments on our modern-day Brutus at The Corner:

Al Gore refuses to endorse Joe Lieberman — his former running mate — in Lieberman's re-election fight. I guess Lierberman would have been good enough to run the government if something bad happened to Gore. But he's not obviously the best qualified to be the junior senator from Connecticut, even though he had the same job when Gore tapped him in 2000.

The question is, how far left are the voters in Connecticut? Will the average upper-middle-class suburbanite in Danbury turn out a high profile, hard-working Senator in order to appease the banshee howls of the "netroots"? If Lieberman survives, will the Democratic politicans realize the powerlessness of these internet activists to influence elections (what's Kos now, 0 for 19 with his endorsed candidates?) ? Conversely, if Lieberman is forced out, will the far left take over the party and force its agenda to the radical fringe?

Either way, some sort of implosion seems like it is about to happen at the heart of the Donkey party; and most likely the Republicans (if they can avoid shooting themselves in the foot) will be there to pick up the pieces, and the voters. The media seems to believe that current voter disenchantment with Bush and the right bodes well for the Democrats. Based on this display of interparty treachery, and the anti-American ravings of idiots like John "the Cringing Chicken" Murtha, why do I have the feeling that come 2006, the Democrats will be complaining about another "stolen" election?

Is it too early to start predicting Republican gains come this November?

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ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

The destruction of one of the few moderate, bipartisan Senators by his own party also speaks to the state of politics today, don't you think?