วันอังคาร, มิถุนายน 27, 2549

Hamas Gets Its War...

No sympathy for the poor Palestinians in this little corner - you voted for a terrorist government, you reap the rewards:

Israeli tanks and troops entered southern Gaza and planes attacked three bridges and knocked out electricity to the coastal strip early Wednesday, stepping up the pressure on Palestinian militants holding captive a 19-year-old Israeli soldier.

But these animals don't give it a second thought; they just
do it again:

A Palestinian militant group on Wednesday threatened to kill an abducted Jewish settler [how about - civilian? -ed.] if Israel doesn’t stop its raid on the Gaza Strip.

Israeli Oshri Eliahu, 18, is seen in this undated photo released by the family Tuesday, June 27, 2006. A spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees, a violent group with close ties to the Hamas-led Palestinian government, who took part in Sunday’s cross-border infiltration near Gaza in which militants killed two Israeli soldiers and abducted Cp. Gilad Shalit, said the group had taken Eliahu, a Jewish settler from Itamar in the West Bank hostage. Israel Radio reported the settler had been hitchhiking Monday night and failed to return home. (AP Photo)

And what is Syria, Israel's peace-loving neighbor, doing amid all this crisis? Would you believe...giving aid and shelter to Hamas leadership?
Gateway Pundit links us to YNET:

The Syrian government has deployed security forces to protect Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal and has advised him to restrict all public activities for the time being, Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip told WorldNetDaily Tuesday.

Mashaal is believed to have called for the
operation Sunday in which Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups carried out a well-orchestrated raid on an Israeli military station and kidnapped Israeli soldier Cpl. Gilad Shalit.

Alas, it seems like Shalit doesn't have much of a

Hoping to head off a major flare-up, Egypt has been trying to broker Shalit's release. So has France, as the 19-year-old conscript has French as well as Israeli citizenship.
But mediators said they were close to calling it quits before the Israeli troops moved into Gaza.

DEBKA confirms, with a more sickening hypothesis:

In the two days since his abduction, none of the diplomats seeking to negotiate his release attained direct access to the kidnappers before the effort, led by Egypt, France, Turkey and others, broke down. It is feared that the Hamas faction holding the Israeli corporal have smuggled him out of the Gaza Strip through Sinai to a hostile Arab country.

No wonder Israel hit the bridges, an unusual target for them; and hence their concern about Hamas moving their captive.

Look at what the Palestinians brought upon themselves, and the region, by their choice of Hamas to represent them to the world. Was there ever any doubt that it would come to this place, with aggression and atrocities against Israel that would demand such a response? Was the election of Hamas as their leadership nothing more than a cultural suicide bomb by the Palestinians? Is their lust for Jew-blood so deep, so psychotic, that if one must die as a person or as a society in order to spill it, that the Palestinians knowingly, enthusiastically, embraced Hamas?

And meanwhile, the drums of war beat louder over Gaza, a land handed back to the Palestinians, a land they turned instantly from one of greenhouses and farms and orchards, into nothing more than their latest killing field...one can just weep.

1 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Are they really that f'd up as a culture? Maybe a bit extreme.