วันอาทิตย์, พฤศจิกายน 06, 2548

Barbarians at the Gate!

The Paris Intifada has reached the city walls - the barbarians are at the gate; how long, if at all, can they be held back?

Youths set ablaze nearly 1,300 vehicles and torched businesses, schools and symbols of French authority, including post offices and provincial police stations, on the 10th consecutive night of unrest.
The violence took another alarming turn with attacks in the well-guarded French capital. Police said 35 cars were torched, most on the city's northern and southern edges.
In central Paris, gasoline bombs damaged three cars near Place de la Republique. Residents reported a loud explosion and flames.
"We were very afraid," said Annie Partouche, 55, who watched the cars burning from her apartment window. "We were afraid to leave the building."

What will happen, when the gates fall and the jihadis stream through the famed streets, to seat the new Grand Ayatollah? One thing is for sure; the French media won't be telling you the truth about it...via Rantburg:

...the french teevees interviewed the daughters of the disabled 56 years old woman who was set on fire in an attacked bus (and who wasn't muslim despite what has been said, her name is Joëlle Mallard), and offered two diverging versions about the religion of the victim.The France 3 channel first interviewed two girls with judeo-christian firstnames, Yaël (which incidentally is a jewish version of Joëlle) and Anastasia, who appear moved and disturbed during the interview. Theses two girls were also interviewed in newspaper, so there is no doubt they exist and are her daughters.
However, 30 minutes later, the TF1 and France 2 channels only talked about one daughter, and aired an interview with a girl named Fadella, who not only has a muslim first name, but also wears typically north african clothes (and is more casual in her interview, to the point some oversuspicious viewers thought she was an actress). No mention is made of Yaël and Anastasia.
What's disturbing is the idea of a possible manipulation. Did the two channels which only mentioned her muslim daughter intend to lessen the racist and "anti french" aspect of that attack, by "islamizing" the victim through her family?

Seems like the media is rooting the rioters on by disguising the true nature of the crimes that are being commited. That's "public service" for you! When Islamic law is being pronounced, what will they tell the public? From a commentator on the above post:

The real pearl was yesterday: in the FR3 TV there was a broadcast about "the inflitration of American society by evangelists". The problem of the day was not "the gauntlet thrown by the gangs and the islamits to French society" or "the infiltration of the French media by trotskits ie proponents of an undemocratic, fascist-like ideology"... Nooooo, the problem of the day was not muslims but evangelists, not France but America. There was more honesty in the Pravda of yore than in today's French media.

Well, at least (some of) the French people are starting to see it for what it is...the AP again:

In Evreux, 60 miles west of Paris, five police officers and three firefighters were injured in clashes with youths who destroyed at least 50 vehicles, shops and businesses, a post office and two schools, authorities said.
"Rioters attacked us with baseball bats," said Philippe Jofres, a deputy fire chief, told France-2 television. "
We were attacked with pickaxes. It was war."

Well, via Gateway Pundit, it is starting to look like a war zone:

Link, with video, here: http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2005/11/us-military-on-call-to-rescue-france.html

And for some classic French irony, see No Parasan! as they suggest an end to the cycle of violence in Paris, with a "just, lasting peace" for both citizens and terrorists here: http://no-pasaran.blogspot.com/2005/11/and-throw-in-call-to-end-to-cycle-of.html

Welcome, Philly.com readers! 11/7 update here http://jerseynut.blogspot.com/2005/11/clash-of-civilizations-rages-on.html, or hit the homepage http://jerseynut.blogspot.com/ and select the posts of interest...

More from Right, Wing-Nut! here: http://jerseynut.blogspot.com/2005/11/france-bad-to-worse.html and here http://jerseynut.blogspot.com/2005/11/muslim-advance_06.html

UPDATE 5:50PM Nov 6th: Can anyone say "open warfare" yet?

Violence was renewed as darkness enveloped Paris. A police spokesman said gunmen among some 200 youths attacking police with stones and other objects in Grigny, south of Paris, fired at officers with shotguns, hitting 10 policemen.
Two officers were being treated in hospital, one with shot wounds to the throat, the other with wounds to a leg.

{story here: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051106/ts_nm/france_riots_dc}
