วันศุกร์, พฤศจิกายน 25, 2548

San Francisco: Renegade Province?

Let it be said first off that I never liked San Francisco. I went there a number of times 1998-2001, as my employer at the time owned a property within the city. Even then, when I was more center-right politically, I thought the city was repulsive. Homeless people ruled the roost; they cursed me with impunity when I failed to give them alms; and when I had the nerve to snap back at one whom used unbelievably foul language in front of a woman, I was set upon by pedestrians claiming I was violating his civil rights! (And remember, I spend much of my time in NYC, so don't comment me about not understanding, 'cause I see it every day). Public places were filthy, drug addicts were laying about everywhere, deviant sexuality was proudly displayed as "normal", and condoms were handed out everywhere from the parks to my hotel lobby. This is your liberal paradise; where schoolteachers have to live in mobile homes because they can't afford the rent; but bums, addicts and degenerates carry around armfuls of vouchers, stipends, and needles.

So the results of some local initiatives put on the election-day ballots do not surprise me. Let's listen to Bill O'Reilly:

It is hard to figure out the mindset of many Americans living in the secular-progressive paradise of San Francisco. A couple of weeks ago they voted to oppose military recruiting in the city's public schools including colleges. In the middle of a vicious war on terror, the City by the Bay says no to the people who volunteer to protect us.

A show of disdain for war, or for the volunteers that fight terrorists overseas sothat San Franciscans can sleep comfortably in their beds at night? No matter; O'Reilly tells us how San Fran's other liberal projects are working out:

San Francisco is the city that never learns. It passed an insane law that handed out $410 a month to any homeless person who showed up. Predictably, thousands of indigents, many of them addicted, poured into the down town area, panhandling and using the parks as outdoor restrooms. Businesses and families went crazy and the city council was forced to cut the payments down to $59 a month.
The progressives also gleefully hopped on the medical marijuana bandwagon. But now Mayor Gavin Newsome wants to shut down most of the 35 "clubs" that have opened up, selling pot to anyone who has a headache. SFPD Captain Rick Bruce told me, "A lot of our local drug dealers actually have medical marijuana cards, and they're using them as get-out-of-jail free cards every time they're arrested for dealing drugs on the street."
It has been said that people get the government they deserve, and in San Francisco's case, that could not be more true. The city's streets are chaotic, quality of life has deteriorated, and the prevailing wisdom would please Fidel Castro.

Despite the misery and hopelessness that communism foisted upon the world for half a century, these people haven't learned. A look at lefty paradises like Cuba, or France, could tell you what would happen when liberal doctrine becomes the law of the land, but those libs are just too darn smart; they know it will work next time!

O'Reilly believes that essentially, San Francisco should be excommunicated, but notes a problem:

My solution is to have San Francisco form its own militia, a concept first put forth by the Founding Fathers in the Second Amendment of the Constitution. A S.F. militia could take over for the U.S. military if that city were ever attacked.
But there's just one problem with that militia idea. On the same day San Francisco voted to oppose military recruiting, it also voted to prohibit the "sale, manufacture and distribution of firearms."

Well, I don't know about anything that drastic. I think the illness of San Francisco needs to be contained, that's all. Remember, these guys are blatent lawbreakers - when Mayor Newsome decided he wanted to marry couples, he just went ahead and did it, despite a California state law that prohibited it (wonder what he would say if a neighboring town decided that restrictive gun were unconstitutional and starting allowing gun purchases without a waiting period?). The marijuana clubs are in direct violation of federal laws as well. Typical liberals - their policies and practices are so "humane", that they are above the law.

This mindet cannot allowed to be mainstream. Remember, the leader of the Democratic party in the House of Representatives is Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman from San Francisco. Elect the Democrats, move these people into national power. Want to know what your neighborhood will look like in 2006? Just look to the west...

Link to O'Reilly here, article entitled "San Francisco Blues": http://www.billoreilly.com/currentarticle

UPDATE: see Faith on the Front; Ms. Sara Horn ties the lousy liberalism of San Francisco to the city's declining birthrate and fleeing families: http://www.sarahorn.com/blog/2005/11/17/san-francisco-cant-keep-students-wont-let-military-recruiters-stay.html

See the "progressive" Nancy Pelosi tries to quell free speech here {great moonbat commentary too!} : http://thinkprogress.org/2005/11/17/pelosi-oreilly/

Right Voices notes the NRA is stepping in {here http://rightvoices.com/2005/11/12/san-fran-gun-ban/} -see how huffy SF officials get when somebody tries to defend the Constitution over their local city ordinances...renegades, the whole lot of them!
