วันเสาร์, พฤศจิกายน 12, 2548

Media Declares Rioting Over; Coverage Ceases!

On Thursday, a few dozen less cars were firebombed in France than the day previous - the media breathes a sigh of relief, declares "Riots are dying down", and goes back to looking for American misdeeds. Only, of course, the riots show no real sign of abating:

463 vehicles burned, 201 arrests, 7 police injured, and 8 police suspended for doing their job.
In Lyon, 4 police were hurt by thrown rocks. Violence in the greater Paris area ticked up a bit.
12,000 police are being kept on duty through the weekend (including the holiday of 11 November). Calls to riot continue to circulate via SMS, blogs, and Internet bulletin boards.

The BBC, its heartstrings torn between protecting the PC status quo and the irresistable British urge to French-bash, has some interesting facts:

All public meetings likely to provoke disturbances are to be banned in the French capital, police have announced.
The ban will begin at 0900 GMT on Saturday and end at 0700 GMT on Sunday.
The police statement said the measure followed calls for "violent acts" in Paris on 12 November contained in recent e-mail and text messages.

Could you imagine if Bushitler had declared a moritorium on public meetings? Or if the riots had spread to as many cities in America as it has in France? The flames of the Intifada spread...

And the media keeps spinning...northern neighbor Canada works it furiously:

As the unrest continued to decline...a 15th consecutive night of violence saw fewer skirmishes and fewer cars burned - 463, down from 482 the previous night, police said

Well, would I be a Frenchman, now I would be relieved!
And here's the aticle's inevitable PC lie:

Fuelling their rage was the high unemployment and discrimination that has frustrated France's African and Muslim communities for years.

While I'm sure there is generous resentment against those racist French, that is not "fuelling" their rage. It has barely been brought up by the rioters; it is simply assumed in PC land that the only reason an Intifada would erupt is due to "economics" or "discrimination" {like the way those pesky Jews discriminate against those angelic Palestinians!). I have another reason:

The Islamic element in France hates their home country, feels themselves and their culture to be superior to that of the French, and want to destroy it, and institute Sharia law over the land.

This is not an economic riot; it is an Islamic revolution that seeks to take over France...as a first step.

Tony Blankley agrees:

This is not about Muslim poverty (the Islamist terrorists who hit London all had good jobs. Mohammed Atta, who struck us in New York, was well-born and came from a prosperous family.) It is about radical Islamist self-confidence and contempt for the West. And, it is about Western weakness.

And every dithering day, their foothold in Europe grows firmer...

Link to Canada News via LGF here: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=18198_Remember_the_French_Riots_Theyre_Still_Going&only
Link to BBC report here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4429356.stm
No Parasan! reports the totals here: http://no-pasaran.blogspot.com/2005/11/this-is-stability.html Blankley link here: http://jerseynut.blogspot.com/2005/11/islamist-threat.html
