วันจันทร์, พฤศจิกายน 07, 2548

The Clash of Civilizations Rages On...

This morning's reports are in from Paris, and they aren't looking so good - the AP reports:

Rioting by French youths spread to 300 towns overnight, and a 61-year-old man hurt in the violence died of his wounds...On Sunday night, vandals burned more than 1,400 vehicles, and clashes around the country left 36 police injured, setting a new high for overnight arson and violence since rioting started last month, national police chief Michel Gaudin told a news conference....
Arsonists burned two schools and a bus in the central city of Saint-Etienne and its suburbs, and two people were injured in the bus attack. Churches were set ablaze in northern Lens and southern Sete, he said.
In Colombes in suburban Paris, youths pelted a bus with rocks, sending a 13-month-old child to the hospital with a head injury, Hamon said, while a daycare center was burned in Saint-Maurice, another Paris suburb

Well, that's one 61 year old infidel and 13 month old capitalistic oppressor that won't be around to persecute the Islamists any more! The French government is utterly incapable of handling this insurrection in their midst; so they simply turn a blind eye and pretend it does not exist:

French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy sought to reassure his European counterparts about visiting his country, telling them at a meeting in Brussels that "France is not a dangerous country. France is still a country where one can go."

Looks safe to me...if I was born in Beriut...

{photo via Gateway Pundit, here: http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2005/11/day-11-france-spirals-out-of-control.html }

And according to No Parasan!, the French media will help this deception along:

State TV station
France3 will no longer report the number of cars burned each day in their newscasts. Looks like they are caving in to the bleating of the leftist brownshirt and anti-white racist group SOS Racisme which has declared that French media coverage of the riots is sensationalist.

No Parasan! (
http://no-pasaran.blogspot.com/) asks tounge in cheek whether France3 will still report on every broken fingernail suffered by every Palestinian in the territories...bet they will, may as well be good dhimmis and start your Jew-bashing early (just like the quick surrender and co-operation with the Nazis in '40! Remember that? I do!)...

And speaking of the Israel analogy...is France now in a position, due to its constant support of Palestinian terrorists and its constant criticism of Israeli efforts to restore calm, that it cannot do anything other than negotiate so as not to "continue the cycle of violence"? Will they offer "land for peace", as they so often urged the Israelis, and allow some French suburbs to be handed over to the local imans for the imposition of Sharia law? Will they free some of the hundreds of hardened prisoners currently being held as a "gesture of goodwill?" Will they call for a multi-national peacekeeping force outside of Paris?

And what of the rest of Europe? Will they criticize the French if they resort to violence, in order to mollify their own restive Muslim populations, even though a jihadi victory in Paris could doom the rest of Western Europe to a century of dhimmitude? Is their allegience to PC thought so thorough that they will watch their civilization die for it? Or is just sheer cowardice, of the kind that allowed WWII and the Holocaust to happen? And now, it is not just the Jews...CNN via Roger Simon {http://www.rogerlsimon.com/mt-archives/2005/11/the_france_of_t.php}:

In the northern city of Rouen, a police barricade was set afire and a burning car was pushed into the police station; and in Strasbourg, near the German border, a school was torched.
A church was set ablaze in the southern fishing town of Sete and another in nearby Lens, Pas de Calais; two schools in the southeastern town of Saint-Etienne and a police station in the central France town of Clermont-Ferrand were torched, as was a social center in the Parisian suburb of Seine-Saint-Denis

Churches, schools, social centers. police stations - no accident on the choice of targets, it is the very social frabic of French society that the young urban jihadis are destroying in their Paris Intifada. Will the weak will of Europe once again allow Fascism to cast its dark shadow over the world?

UPDATE: Europe's time is growing short - we reported a few days ago about attacks in Denmark (here http://jerseynut.blogspot.com/2005/11/paris-intifada.html); now are Belgium and Berlin about to be consumed in the fire of radical Islam? From the Brussels Journal {link here: http://www.brusselsjournal.com/node/446 }:

As was expected, the Muslim insurgency did not stop at the French borders. Last night five cars were torched in Berlin. The cars were set alight in five different streets of Moabit, an immigrant neighbourhood of Berlin, and the Tiergarten area, only a few kilometres away from the seat of the German government...In Brussels, too, five cars were destroyed by fire last night. The cars were parked in Sint-Gillis, one of Brussels’ Muslim quarters. Sint-Gillis is the area surrounding Brussels’ Midi Station, where the Eurostar trains from London arrive. It is barely three kilometres from the European Parliament.... National radio said this morning that everything is calm. People do not believe it.

I don't blame them...
