วันอาทิตย์, พฤศจิกายน 06, 2548

The Muslim Advance...

Mark Steyn adds historical perpective - like all things bloody in Europe, we've seen it before:

The French have been here before, of course. Seven-thirty-two. Not 7:32 Paris time, which is when the nightly Citroen-torching begins, but 732 A.D. — as in one and a third millennia ago. By then, the Muslims had advanced a thousand miles north of Gibraltar to control Spain and southern France up to the banks of the Loire...

Somewhere on the road between Poitiers and Tours, they met a Frankish force and, unlike other Christian armies in Europe, this one held its ground “like a wall . . . a firm glacial mass,” as the Chronicle of Isidore puts it. A week later, Abd al-Rahman was dead, the Muslims were heading south, and the French general, Charles, had earned himself the surname “Martel” — or “the Hammer.” Poitiers was the high-water point of the Muslim tide in western Europe. It was an opportunistic raid by the Moors, but if they’d won, they’d have found it hard to resist pushing on to Paris, to the Rhine and beyond.

Today, a fearless Muslim advance has penetrated far deeper into Europe than Abd al-Rahman. They’re in Brussels, where Belgian police officers are advised not to be seen drinking coffee in public during Ramadan, and in Malmo, where Swedish ambulance drivers will not go without police escort. It’s way too late to rerun the Battle of Poitiers...

Resist the call of the appeasers; for they will lead us to Dhimmitude...

Mark Steyn via Little Green Footballs here: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=18135_Steyn-_Wake_Up_Europe&only {Steyn's essay is titled Wake Up, Europe,You've a War on your Hands!)
