วันอังคาร, มีนาคม 12, 2556

What's in a name? Ask the BBC...

This is not actually the most relevant part of this particular Pallywood production,  just the part I found most telling:

A United Nations report concludes that a Gaza-based BBC editor’s eleven-month-old son was killed by a Hamas rocket, not an Israeli rocket, as was reported in November at the time of the boy’s death, most prominently by the Washington Post. That newspaper featured the story and the below photograph, which depicts BBC editor Jihad Masharawi holding his dead infant, on its front page.

The Post has yet to publish a correction to its original piece....

Come again? What's the name of that BBC editor?

Sweet Jeebus, what next? Will the BBC hire Rapey McSodomy as their editor on feminist issues?

Well, of course they wouldn't. But, as the BBC (and the Washington Post) demonstrate, different rules apply when you are covering those pesky Jews...
