วันอาทิตย์, มีนาคม 10, 2556

New York Times Explains Paul's Filibuster To Their Readers

...just remember, it's only historic when a Democrat does it.

What was happening to Rand Paul, 12 hours into this windmill-tilting crusade against drones (but not against droning), as the sun set and the moon rose and he talked and he talked and he — oh, how he talked.

...there’s still so much attendant discomfort in watching a filibuster...like the relative who insists on giving an impromptu toast at the wedding — Dear god, now he’s talking about grocery-hoarding survivalists? It could all go so terribly wrong.

Watch Paul’s entire production, fully streamable at c-span.org. Better yet, fast-forward Wednesday’s filibuster in the Senate to random intervals with the volume down low for the full Kabuki effect of this American political theater. Watch hour zero, minute zero when, red-tied and wide-eyed, the Kentucky Republican strolls to the lectern. Witness the progression:

3:06 p.m.: The whites of his eyes have begun to match his tie.

9:43: The reds of his eyes have begun match the sheen of the Senate mahogany.

11:43: Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) is talking now, saving Paul, saving all of us from watching...

So - let's review what we have learned from the Paper of Record about last Wednesday's filibuster:

Oh, how he talked...
(it was sooo boring)

... about grocery-hoarding survivalists
(Paul's crazy)

 Paul’s... production...
(Pfffft! overwrought fiction, indeed!)

...fast-forward ...with the volume down low for the full Kabuki effect of this American political theater. 
(Listen to a Republican from Kentucky?  Muffy, please! It's all just an act, a show for the rubes back home...)

 red-tied and wide-eyed,,,
(that crazy thing again)

saving all of us from watching...

Get the message?
