วันอังคาร, มีนาคม 19, 2556

Liberal Bluebloods And Clueless Celebrities Conspire To Starve Upstate New Yorkers

Upstate New York has a brutal unemployment rate, averaging 9.6%, but climbing to well over 10% in some regions. Its traditional industries are dying off, and like most blue states, New York is not exactly a place where companies are rushing to open businesses.

But there's gold in them thar hills - a fortune in fracking, so to speak, that could bring New York from bust to boom overnight, and raise the living standards of so many currently rotting in unnecessary poverty.

So who's stopping them?  Those cruel, heartless Republicans, no doubt trying to corner the market on natural gas?

Think again....and  meet Artists Against Fracking:

Artists Against Fracking, a celebrity-backed group started by Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon, the son of the late Beatles star, appears to have violated a New York state law that requires that groups who spend money in an attempt to influence government policy register as lobbyists for the purpose of transparency.

The group has a star-studded roster of supporters, including Robert DeNiro, Alec Baldwin, and Paul McCartney and recently released a video called “Don’t Frack My Mother” (above), featuring celebrities such as Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Susan Sarandon, among others....

McCarthy is the most hypocritical of the bunch, how much raping of Mother Earth did it take to build this castle/compound for himself?

Which brings us to the next set of folks determine to let New York starve so that they may enjoy their view:  Limousine liberals, who are all in cahoots with Andrew Cuomo to protect their vistas and their Visas:

Consider the governor’s advisory committee on hydraulic fracturing. It includes his brother-in-law, Robert Kennedy Jr., a former senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council, and two current senior attorneys for the NRDC. That’s three NRDC seats on a panel of 13 (later expanded).

The Open Space Institute...and...the Catskill Mountainkeeper...along with the NRDC, were creations of John Adams, a close associate of the Rockefeller family. Adams’ son, Ramsay, is Catskill Mountainkeeper’s executive director

One would think that the purposes of all these high-sounding groups is environmental protection.  You'd be wrong.  It's about protecting the investments, and the views, of the liberal rich:

The Lew Beach area — where the counties of Delaware, Sullivan and Ulster come together and many of these folks own land —might be described as high society in the hinterlands.

NRDC founder John Adams is from the area and introduced Laurance Rockefeller Jr. to it many years ago. Rockefeller has bought up thousands of acres of land in LewBeach and divided it into home sites for wealthy friends and folks like Dan Rather, who told The New York Times, “My house in the Beaverkill is the only bit of privacy that I have left,” and an investment banker who noted, “It’s like buying into a land bank.’’

In short, Rockefeller and various associates have long been establishing a secluded preserve for their personal enjoyment. But being able to buy up property inexpensively is crucial — and thus fracking, which would greatly add to the value of lands still owned by locals, threatens the project.

And thus the residents of Upstate New York starves, while celebrities sing piously about the planet and the bleeding-heart rich work with politicians to keep high-paying jobs away from their homes, lest the rabble move in next door.

When Upstate turns into Detroit writ large, don't blame the unions.

Binghampton, N.Y.

 Blame the blue-blood Left, the Beatles, and most of all Governor Andrew Cuomo -  whose dark ambitions and ugly hypocrisy make his dad look like a saint...
