วันอาทิตย์, มีนาคม 03, 2556

Well, we knew Barack Obama was not the Pope...

...but I liked this clarification anyway.  From Micheal Goodwin in the New York Post:

Millions of people around the world watched two global powerhouses conduct their most important business in public last week. One did it with dignity and respect. The other was the government of the United States....

It was the difference between something done right, with pride, and the undignified, embarrassing way our government does things these days.

When did it become standard procedure for American leaders to behave like contestants in a freak show? When did it become acceptable for a president to distort truth and scare the nation for the sake of a hollow political victory?

In 2008, of course.  When a Democrat became president, and all the rules of decorum (and law) were rendered moot....

"Why not", he mused thoughtfully to himself.  "I'm just as qualified to be pope as I was to be president".  He snickered out loud.  "And talk about dictatorial powers...!"
