วันเสาร์, มีนาคม 23, 2556

Remembering When Dissent Was Patriotic....

...instead of racist.

And if that meant fantasizing about murdering the president, well...that was patriotic, too.

It's April, 2003.  Madonna releases "American Life".  And then shoots a video...

Two music videos were shot for the song, both directed by Swedish director Jonas Åkerlund. The first one featured Madonna at a military-themed fashion show, cavorting with a brigade of female soldiers and in the end, she throws a hand grenade at George W. Bush. Prior its release, it caused controversy regarding its political, racial, violence and religious views, leading Madonna to release a statement explaining its concept.

After the invasion of Iraq started, Madonna cancelled the release of the original music video, because of the political climate of the country at the time...

Maybe.  Or maybe Madonna cared more about money than any actual political message she was delivering.  After all, having just witnessed the demise of the Dixie Chicks....

The video is here.  Around 4:20, Madonna appears to throw the grenade at Bush, who proceeds to catch it in  midair, smirk (of course), and light a cigar - all while seemingly impervious to, and pleased by, the carnage unfolding all around him.

Try doing that today.  Imagine Obama taking a hit from a Hellfire missile delivered straight from a Predator drone, only to have it turn into a a brand-new Titleist  5-iron. Watch him swing and smile, as innocents die abroad and Americans starve at home!

Do it, and find yourself in jail faster than you can say "Nakoula Basseley Nakoula".  Assuming the media doesn't lynch you, Zimmerman-style, first.

A lot has changed in ten years, I'd reckon...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

sdkar กล่าวว่า...

I have said this before and said if often. If conservatives want to take this country back, we need to re-take the media.

Buy up the newspapers and TV stations and start reporting the news again. Remember the old investigative journalist? remember all the cool TV shows and movies about how they stopped at nothing to find the truth and report it? That no longer happens.

Until the people...the mass of ignorants...the majority of those that really don't know and believe that the big three always tell them the truth...that what they see in the morning paper is real, and do NOT seek the truth out, but eat up whatever is fed to them in their traditional news gathering, change for the better will not come.

All the money spent by conservatives and republicans to try and get back the power they lost, is all wasted. Use that money to buy up the media, fire all the damn liberal reporters with an agenda, and report what is really happening. Fox cannot do it alone. Until Fox gets backup, they are marginalized and outnumbered.

Just my opinion...I may be wrong.