วันจันทร์, มีนาคม 18, 2556

In Search Of...The Elusive Black Republican

In NYC, no less.  You'd stand a better chance of finding Bigfoot hiding there.  Or so one may think.

But GOP head honcho Reince Preibus feels as if he's gotta try.  And props to him for seeking out the legendary black Republican in the most hostile terrain possible.

Seek...and ye may find. In Brooklyn, no less:

Reince Preibus and state party leader Ed Cox...sat with a group of African-Americans who align themselves firmly with the GOP. The subject: how to improve the party’s relations with blacks.

The event was held in East New York’s huge Christian Cultural Center, whose black pastor, A.R. Bernard, has flirted with running for mayor — as a Republican.

Celebrity attendees included ex-New York Jets great Curtis Martin and actor Jamie Hector of HBO’s “The Wire.”

Truth is, Republicans have much to offer minorities.

GOP-driven welfare reform, for example, has nudged countless young minority women toward more independent lifestyles, with many having found jobs, gotten married — or both.

Charter schools have freed thousands of minority kids from their failed government-run counterparts...

And tough GOP-style crime-fighting tools, like stop-and-frisk, primarily aid minorities, who are disproportionate victims. (Last year, the NYPD kept murders to just 419, down from 2,245 in 1990. Since some 90% are typically black or Hispanic, that spells 1,640 minority lives saved last year.)

To their credit, Priebus and Cox tried to stress such points — and if that message gets through, blacks may well respond. ....winning them over would benefit both the party and the black community — which has precious little to point to for its decades of Democratic allegiance.

They might follow NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly’s example. After all, there’s a reason why, despite controversial policies like stop-and-frisk, ties between cops and blacks have improved, with but a few isolated exceptions: From Day One, Kelly has made it a point to visit black churches personally, and he kept at it every week.

Reince Preibus may not be successful in moving the black vote more than few percentage points to the right. But his outreach proves two things:  One, Reince is thinking long-term, and hammering home the damage that liberal policies have done to the black community is the most intellectually honest way to get black voters to reconsider their allegiance to the Democratic party.  Two, Reince realizes that the 2014 mid-term election campaign is already underway, and the 2016 campaign for the White House will begin by....tomorrow, latest.

Of course, what Reince and every high-profile Republican should also be doing - at every opportunity - is vocally discrediting the media, making sure that by 2016, even the infamous "low-information voter" is aware of their  broad-based bias, and their propensity to shill for the candidate of the Left.

If the GOP continues to reach out to blacks and explain the tremendous harm done to them by the Democratic party, and if they can open the eyes of the clueless to the deceitful campaign of the mainstream media, they may actually have a chance to win a national election.

It's a simple strategy.  Which means there's better than a 50/50 chance the GOP will f*ck it up...

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