วันอาทิตย์, กุมภาพันธ์ 17, 2556

Liberal Doublespeak Sunday!

Nicely pointed out by EJ Hill:

When arguing for a carbon tax, liberal politicians and their followers make the argument that government interference that artificially increases the cost of something will decrease the demand for it. When arguing for an increase in the minimum wage, liberal politicians and their followers make the argument that government interference which artificially increases the cost of something will not decrease the demand for it.

So which is it?

Easy. Whichever is politically expedient for the Democrats at any given moment in time.

Of course, the Left wouldn't get away with this as often as they do if the media actually called them out on what Hill gracefully calls their "cognitive dissonance".

Will never happen, of course.  The Democrats want what they want - socialized medicine, higher taxation, higher wages - and when the facts don't fit the theory, they don't adjust their theories. They "adjust" their facts.

The mainstream media wants what the Democrats want.  Hence their de-evolution to their current morally corrupt status.  Stacey McCain:

Times change. Back in the day, the Washington Post exposed corrupt cover-ups. Nowadays, they’re active participants in the cover-up.

It's either that, or report the lies.

The WaPo has chosen death before dishonoring their liberal bona fides.  Can't say they don't deserve what's coming...

Addendum (barely related):   Ferris Bueller's Day Off.  Great movie.  John Hughes shot an additional 45 minutes or so of scenes and footage that were edited out to give the movie a run-time more typical of "teen" comedies.  This bit, in the script but left on the cutting room floor, is delivered by Ferris directly to the camera, as he was wont to do throughout the movie.  It speaks to the doublespeak above:

FERRIS: My uncle went to Canada to protest the war, right? On the Fourth of July he was down with my aunt and he got drunk and told my Dad he felt guilty he didn’t fight in VietNam. So I said, “What’s the deal, Uncle Jeff? In wartime you want to be a pacifist and in peacetime you want to be a soldier. It took you twenty years to find out you don’t believe in anything?” [snaps his fingers] Grounded. Just like that. Two weeks. [pause] Be careful when you deal with old hippies. They can be real touchy...
