วันศุกร์, กุมภาพันธ์ 22, 2556

Democratic Mayor Endorses Christie; Her Party Responds With A War On Women

Democrat Dina Long is the mayor of Sea Bright, New Jersey.  Her little borough of some 1,500 residents was ravaged by Hurricane Sandy:

All the beach clubs are gone,” she [Long] said.

Donovan’s Reef, a popular seaside bar next to town hall: also gone.

Dunkin’ Donuts and an adjoining service station, located at the foot of the Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge: flooded.
The Exxon gas station: battered by waves.

And every business from Peninsula Street to Center Street, Long said, had, at the very least, their windows blown out; many had merchandise float away with the tide. Same for all the cabanas from the beach clubs, she said.

“Some are sitting in the middle of the highway,” she added.
Damage to homes and businesses was “incalculable.”

Mayor Long became a little bit of a local celebrity - and garnered some national attention as well - with her positive attitude and hands-on approach with both the residents and the rebuilding.

And now she's famous again - for endorsing Chris Christie's run for re-election as governor of New Jersey:

Democratic Mayor Dina Long threw her support behind re-electing Republican Gov. Chris Christie, touting his leadership in the aftermath of superstorm Sandy and saying she has no time for partisan politics while trying to rebuild her town, which was heavily damaged by the storm.

Beauty and The Beast?

“There is no time for Republicans and Democrats to bash each other in the name of party politics. I don’t want to spend the next six months being coy,” she said during the endorsement announcement at Woody’s Ocean Grille in Sea Bright.

Long became the second Democratic mayor, after Harrison’s Raymond McDonough, to endorse Christie for re-election...

The reaction from the local Democratic party leader Vin Gopal?  Swift and furious.  Posted on Facebook:

...we will be taking the appropriate steps of restructuring the Democratic Party in Sea Bright, to ensure that the voice of true Democrats is one that prevails...Mayor Long’s most recent endorsement of Governor Christie is in stark contrast to our Democratic principles, and those of the over 250 top Democratic elected officials and party leaders across Monmouth County who have endorsed Barbara Buono for Governor and will be working hard for her to elect her in November.

What's the best part of this vow to destroy Dina Long?  The post immediately following the Monmouth Democrat's declaration of jihad:

Well, only certain women.  Those who toe the party line.  Step out, and those dirty Democrats  - male and female - will come at you with swords drawn.

I'm thinking Mayor Long will get re-elected in Sea Bright, regardless of her party affiliation, because in a time of crises, she showed poise, leadership and performance.  About all one can ask for in a public official.

But Dina's own party - which proclaim themselves to be the ultimate defender of the female gender- will try to bring her down. For New Jersey Democrats, courage and strength pales before fealty to the almighty Party...

(Hat tip: More Monmouth Musings)
