วันเสาร์, กุมภาพันธ์ 09, 2556

Residents Continue To Flee New Jersey In Droves....

Gandalf the Gray advises the people of New Jersey:

Moving company United Van Lines released its 36th annual study of customer migration patterns, analyzing a total of 125,000 moves across the 48 continental states in 2012. The study provides an up-to-date, representative snapshot of overarching moving patterns in the U.S., and reveals a mass exodus from the Northeast.

No. 1: New Jersey

Percentage of outbound moves in 2012: 62.3%
Number of exits tracked: 3,925

At No. 1, New Jersey has the highest ratio of people moving out compared to those moving in. Of the 6,300 total moves tracked in the state last year, 62% were outbound.

“New Jersey has been suffering from deindustrialization for some time now, as manufacturing moved from the Northeast to the South and West,” says economist Michael Stoll, professor and chair of the Department of Public Policy at the University of California, Los Angeles. “And because it’s tied to New York, the high housing costs may also be pushing people out.”

Yet another economist who doesn't know what the f*ck he's talking about. Tell him, Lex:

It's not the cost of housing, it's the taxation on housing. New Jersey is also #1 on the list of 10 States With the Worst Property Taxes:

Average Property Taxes as percent of Median Income: 7.28 percent (The Most)

Average Median Property Taxes Paid on Homes: $6,348 (The Most)

Percent change in Median Home value (2006-2009): -4.5 percent (8th Greatest Decrease)

New Jersey residents spend more as a percentage of their incomes on property taxes than any other state. In some New Jersey counties, the amount of the annual property tax is enormous. In Passaic County in Northern New Jersey, the property tax as a percent of income is nearly 10 percent. Residents have not been helped by the fact that property values in the state decreased 4.5 percent between 2006 and 2009, which is the 8th greatest decrease in the country over that time period.

My property tax, in Old Bridge, New Jersey - not exactly Beverly Hills, mind you - is also nearly 10% of my income. Tied to a business that is rooted in New York, I have few options. But if I could get work in Texas, I'd take the first flight out.

It's not as if  I have - or want -  beachfront property in Old Bridge...

Actually, most of the top-ten states being fled are...well, you can guess:

In fact, most of the top-10 states people are leaving are located in the Northeast and Great Lakes regions, including Illinois (60%), New York (58%), Michigan (58%), Maine (56%), Connecticut (56%) and Wisconsin (55%). According to Stoll, this reflects a consistent trend of migration from the Frost Belt to the Sun Belt states based on a combination of causes.

None of which they mention.  They've got a failing ideology to protect.

So...how long does it take a state to recover after the liberal locusts have picked it dry? Chris Christie is trying, but it may be like trying to empty the ocean with a thimble.

With enough perseverance, I'm sure it can be turned around.  But i don't blame the people of New Jersey for refusing to die waiting...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Don't worry. The outward migrants will be replaced with Messicans.

Unknown กล่าวว่า...

Thank you for sharing. I found this post particularly interesting as I myself am making the move out of the garden state. Luckily I found a really great New Jersey moving company. Did you know that Washington is where most people are moving too? I would think California.