วันอังคาร, กุมภาพันธ์ 26, 2556


From the official Twitter feed of  Barack Obama, via Ricochet:

Share why your family can't afford severe spending cuts to vital services for kids and seniors: OFA.BO/QxoFAf #JobsNotCuts

RT if you agree: It's time for Republicans in Congress to protect middle-class families—not tax loopholes for millionaires. #JobsNotCuts

FACT: If Congress refuses to act by Friday, more than 370,000 mentally ill children and adults will go without treatment#JobsNotCuts

FACT: Automatic spending cuts would eliminate more than 4 million meals for sick and homebound seniors if Congress doesn't act.#JobsNotCuts

FACT: Impending spending cuts would end programs for nearly 1.2 million disadvantaged students if Congress doesn't act#JobsNotCuts

FACT: More than 800,000 defense employees will be forced to take unpaid leave if Congress doesn't stop impending spending cuts. #JobsNotCuts

FACT: If Congress doesn't act by Friday, automatic spending cuts will threaten more than 30,000 teacher and school staff jobs#JobsNotCutss

And in related news:

During President Barack Obama's meeting with U.S. governors at the White House Monday, the president dismissed members of the press to hold a private, hourlong discussion with the visiting state executives. Whatever was said after the cameras left the room especially incensed South Carolina Republican Gov. Nikki Haley.

"I could not be more frustrated than I am right now," Haley told reporters after the meeting. She said that when she asked Obama if he would consider a last-minute plan to shave about 2 percent from the annual federal budget without increasing taxes, the answer was "no."
"My kids could go and find $83 billion out of a $4 trillion budget," Haley said. "This is not rocket science."

Meanwhile, Michelle Obama poses before a military contingent, and preens for the fops and dandies at the Oscars.

Why do I have the feeling that no matter what happens, the Obamas - and the political class - will be immune from the effects (no matter how great or small) of the sequestration?

Note that POTUS hasn't threatened us with a cutback in Air Force One budgets, either...which means that, sequester or not, the demagoguery will go on...

