วันอังคาร, มิถุนายน 26, 2555

Obama Spikes The Baseball, Gets Booed In Beantown

So these folks poured their hard-earned money into the Obama 2012 re-election campaign, and The Man himself appears, in order to...taunt them for it.

There's a lesson here, you know....but there's also a sucker born every minute, which means Obama will still get crowds (albeit slimmer and slimmer ones) to his fundraising events

True story:

President Obama tried to tweak Bostonians Monday as he thanked the Red Sox for trading Kevin Youkilis to his hometown Chicago White Sox, but instead he triggered a chorus of boos from fans still a bit raw over the deal.

Making a light-hearted jab as he delivered a series of thank-yous at the start of a fund-raising speech, the president added: “Finally, Boston I just want to say – thank-you for Youkilis.

The infielder was traded on Sunday for righthanded relief pitcher Zach Stewart and utility fielder Brent Lillibridge.

As boos swelled up from the floor and down down from the double balconies at Symphony Hall, Obama chuckled.

I’m just saying, he had to change the color of his socks,” the president said with a building grin.

I didn’t anticipate boos out of here,” he added as some of the boos turned to the low rumble of “Y-o-o-u-k.”

"I didn't anticipate" has been pretty much Obama's theme for his 2012 campaign, hasn't it?  But I'll bet a lot of Americans are thinking the same thing about the alleged "moderate" they elected president....

And based on the sneering disgust that Dear Leader showed for his biggest sycophants, I'm wondering if an Obama fundraising event is any different than this concert scene from The Wall, where a fascist stand-in of sorts questions the loyalty of his followers:

So ya 
Thought ya
Might like to 
Go to the show. 
To feel that warm thrill of confusion,
That space cadet glow.
I've got some bad news for you sunshine, 
Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel 
And they sent us along as a surrogate band 
We're gonna find out where you folks really stand...

....that one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me.
Get him up against the wall.
And that one looks Jewish, and that one's a coon.
Who let all this riffraff into the room?
