วันอังคาร, มิถุนายน 05, 2555

The Media & The Wisconsin Recall: Nothing To See Here!

Yesterday, spoken tongue-in-cheek:

....numerous sightings of members of the mainstream media crawling around on their knees, looking for shiny objects, have been reported to authorities. When questioned, they responded almost incoherently, mumbling about desperately needing a major news story for the front pages on Wednesday. "Must...distract....the proletariat", one is reported to have muttered, jerking his neck around in a wild-eyed panic...

Guess they couldn't find anything blinding enough.  So they've adopted a different tactic.  Mickey Kaus:

As far as I can tell–and I watched it twice–the CBS Evening News did not bury it’s story on tomorrow’s crucial election. They didn’t run it at all. Nothing. Zip. And they say the liberal MSM is downplaying the recall in anticipation of a likely Walker victory. It’s as if Dan Rather were still alive. … Scott Pelley did find time to report that there were no people killed by tornadoes–which I guess couldn’t have been held for a day. You never know when someone will be killed by a tornado, and then CBS would lose the story. … Pelley also featured a longish piece on the emergence of a “core of young cool royals” in the U.K. . But not uncool elected geeks in the Heartland. …

Inform and empower?  Ah...hardly.  The American media is no more than a one-track feedback loop for liberals.  Excuse me for getting the truth elsewhere...
