วันศุกร์, มิถุนายน 22, 2555

Gallup, Rasmussen Agree: Obama At 43%

T.S. Eliot was wrong - June is the cruelest month, not April, and especially if you are Barack Obama.

Gallup's daily tracking poll has Barack Obama at a 43% approval rating.  Rasmussen lays it out even clearer:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows Mitt Romney attracting 48% of the vote, while President Obama earns 43%

And how lost at sea is Politico?

Obama looks to capitalize on shift in presidential race’s momentum

President Obama will look to cap a week in which momentum in the presidential race appeared to shift in his favor with a Friday address to the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) in Florida.

Even MSNBC is using the "angry Obama" picture now...

Obama will speak to the group one week after his surprising decision to halt deportations of illegal immigrants brought to the nation as children, a move that caught opponent Mitt Romney flat-footed, forcing him to play defense all week on the issue.

Looks like either Romney plays pretty good "D", or the American people threw a flag on Obama's Hispanic play..."illegal proceduire", perhaps?
