วันศุกร์, มิถุนายน 01, 2555

Breitbart's Torch Being Carried By...Mitt Romney?

Who would've thunk it? But while the Left caricatures him as some sort of a 50's throwback from a weird religious cult who is disconnected from the average American, it turns out that he's a savvy street brawler, leaving Obama and the Democrats dazed and confused on the mat.

They thought they were fighting Glass Joe, but they are instead fighting Mike Tyson.  Or even worse...Andrew Breitbart:

The unapologetically aggressive tone of Romney's campaign is manifest at every turn — from his aides' fierce Twitter wars, to the candidate's surprise press conference at failed green solar company Solyndra, and the campaign's continued refusal to apologize for Donald Trump's outlandish conspiracy theories about Obama's birth certificate.

Romney’s aides and advisors tick off a series of punches and counterpunches that form the core of this new brand of conservative outreach, beginning with his staff’s decision to turn Democrats’ absurdist attacks on his treatment of a family dog into an absurdist assault on Obama’s memory of having eaten dog meat as a boy in Indonesia.

“Same thing with the Mormon issue,” said the advisor, noting the course of MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell’s attack on Romney’s faith. “The nex thing you know you’ve got Ricketts talking about Jeremiah Wright” — a planned Super PAC, unconnected to the campaign, which threatened to air ads attacking Obama’s former pastor — “and David Axelrod comes out and says everything is off limits.”

His campaign's most recent muscle-flexing stunt came Thursday, when Romney pulled off the surprise visit to Solyndra in San Francisco, using the bankrupt company's headquarters as a backdrop to hammer the president for "picking winners and losers" in the economy. Meanwhile, 3,000 miles away, campaign aides, interns, and volunteers crashed a press conference scheduled by senior Obama adviser Axelrod on the steps of the Massachusetts Statehouse. The rowdy crowd drowned out the speakers at times with loud boos, blew bubbles at them when they were talking, and interrupted with chants of, "Five more months!"

"They were on our home turf," campaign spokesman Ryan Williams said. "They had this botched sneak attack. This was personal for us since they were right up the block. We’re not just going to sit by and let them do that — we're not weak."

Kevin Madden, a Romney adviser, said they're simply making good on their promise in the primaries to take the fight to Obama....

Mitt Romney:  NOT Glass Joe...

What will Mitt's next stunt be?  Who can say?  But be prepared to be surprised, because you know the playbook the Romney campaign is using...

Told that conservatives were comparing Romney’s tactics to Breitbart’s, one aide responded: "Oh great, that's what we were going for...."
