วันอังคาร, มิถุนายน 05, 2555

I like R.S. McCain's "conventional wisdom"...

...after hearing so much crap from the Beltway crowd about why Obama will win in 2012 despite his many, many, many apparent flaws (why, he'll just run against Congress like Truman, and the economy will be improving by then, and we all know Romney was fatally wounded in the primaries.  Women, of course, will flock to Obama on election day, and besides - he's just so damn likable), I am digging Stacey McCain's own simple & straightfoward CW on why Obama won't win.

It's based on historical precedent, which is why you haven't heard it from the media first - to them, history started in 2008, and anything prior is no more than what they claim it is, or what is useful for the Democrats and Barack Obama at any particular moment.

But facts are pesky things:

...Romney is running a serious campaign, in contrast to Stacy’s cousin’s 2008 phone-in. Given that the Left appears to achieve success only when running against the record of an incumbent, (for example,  Bush 41, Bush 43) standing by actual accomplishment seems to elude them (Carter, Obama?) except when running against some tired old warhorse (Dole, McCain).

Romney's blood, surprisingly, runs hot. And Obama has no record to run on, and as the incumbent, can only direct the free-floating anger of the American people at...himself.  Uh-oh...

We'll call this "Stacey's Rule".  And we will refer back to it, when the media tries to darken our days with tales of Obama rising as the general election draws nigh...
