วันอังคาร, กันยายน 28, 2553

Tea Party Darlin' Anna Little Getting Some Love...

...from a DC-based PAC called Freedom’s Defense Fund, who is doing an ad buy in New Jersey's 6th District featuring the Democratic incumbent - the detestable Frank Pallone - bragging that the Health Care Reform Act is "his bill".

The ad can be found

Not sure if this is something you want to brag about, Frankie boy, not when the rest of the Democratic establishment is running as fast as it can from "your bill"...

It's good to see Anna Little
get some help and national recognition:

In a press release, Michael Centanni, Chairman of the Freedom’s Defense Fund, defined Anna Little as a “true champion of conservative values, limited government and lower taxes.” Incumbant Frank Pallone, in contrast, is a typical big-government liberal who wants to take credit for the Obamacare healthcare scheme which the majority of Americans oppose.

There hasn't been a poll taken in NJ-CD6 since August, and that was an internal, showing Little behind Pallone by a mere 6 points. Since then, Anna has been all over the district, shaking hands and chatting up average citizens, while Pallone has been in hiding in fear from his own constituents.

Anna's district went heavily for Chris Christie in November:

Chris Christie (R) - 110,305 Votes - 54.7%
Jon Corzine (D) - 78,977 Votes = 39.2%
Chris Daggett (I) - 12,393 Votes - 6.1%

That's a 15 point spread against the party of Frank Pallone - the self-proclaimed author of the most hated piece of legislation ever to pass Congress and be signed by an American president.

Why can't the Republican establishment show Anna $ome love? A "Little" could go a long way. Otherwise, of course, should Anna win on just her own steam, she'll owe nothing to the GOP establishment.

And what a shame that would be...

Help Anna Little defeat "the author" of ObamaCare here...

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Chart Reporter กล่าวว่า...

I think the Christie win stats bode very well for Little. I think it means she can win w/o Republican ad support.

Enough TV and newspaper coverage, plus the street signs I see proliferating now will remind people to vote for the start of real change.