วันพุธ, กันยายน 29, 2553

Axelrod: Let's Talk About Abortion!

Because what else can we talk about? Our stellar record on the economy? The wildly popular socialization of the nation's health care system? The bailouts of GM and their unions? Our wonderful foreign policy achievements?

Bring it. From the

White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod said on Monday that the debate over abortion -- specifically, the extreme views of some Republican candidates on the procedure -- will "certainly be an issue" for Democrats in the fall elections.

I think [abortion] is certainly an issue in the campaign and there are some people running on their side who have a very, very extreme view of this," Axelrod told The Huffington Post and National Review's Robert Costa. "Obviously they know that that is a problem because they omitted mention of all that from their Pledge [the GOP's 21-page governing doctrine] and I think that is telling.

When the HuffPost says "There has been, generally, a slow tilt towards more pro-life politics in American governance", you can read that as "there has been, generally, a steady movement in American morality towards pro-life positions".

On a similar note - the HuffPost, in endorsing Axelrod's "politics of distraction", makes the following case:

A poll commissioned by Emily's List -- an organization tasked with electing female candidates -- revealed that 61 percent of unenthusiastic Democratic women voters said their interest in voting increased a "great deal" when told that their votes could help defeat candidates who don't trust women to make their own decisions on reproductive health.

Well, truth be told, Emily's List is NOT an organization tasked with electing female candidates, it is, as per its annoying website (automatic redirect to contribution page - ugh. Whores.)it is "a community of progressive Americans dedicated to electing pro-choice Democratic women to every level of office. "

And in regards to Emily's poll, I'm just curious - being that the Democratic establishment no longer trusts Americans to make their own decisions on any part of our health, perhaps these women will be interested...in voting Republican this November?

Bring it, David...bring it.

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Smart strategy! Next up, they should start talking about the dangers of global warming !

The #1 and #2 issues in the American mind, right?