วันอังคาร, กันยายน 28, 2553

Andrew Cuomo Throws The Gauntlet Down Before The Tea Party

Via Politico:

Andrew Cuomo, betting that he's still running in a very blue state, offers a bit of a challenge to the Republican base:

"There are no places in New York today for tea party politics," he said today, per NY1's Josh Robin.

CBS News:

Cuomo spokesman Josh Vlasto said: “The spotlight is now on the choice between the tea party extremism of Carl Paladino or Andrew Cuomo's record of fighting corruption, standing up for a woman's right to choose, and his detailed plans to create jobs for New Yorkers.”

What is Cuomo's strategy here? With a lead of a mere six points in a race he was supposed to win in a romp, is he trying to motivate the liberal base to show up in November? Does he believe that the Tea Party's brand of "civic insurrection" won't play well in a de facto welfare state like New York? Or are we seeing what Elliot Spitzer
called "the dirtiest, nastiest political player out there" coming out of the closet like a cornered animal?

I guess since Cuomo can't run "above the fray anymore" (as he has been reduced from heir-apparent to simply a contender), he's decided to go negative, and not simply against the opposition candidate, but against all of his citizen supporters as well.

Interesting. Let's see how this works out for you, Andy...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

The Westchester News กล่าวว่า...

"It's a true saying, the grass is not greener on the other side."

We have enough Child Molesters hiding out in New York!

New York State does not need anymore child molesters moving here because they share Carl Paladino’s perverted views.

Who is the worst of the two candidate's? CARL PALADINO is, I never thought politics could get any worse, but this man is the most disgusting pig I have ever came across in politics, he's a pervert giving out lollipops to kids and telling their Mom's to vote for him.

Without a doubt Carl Paladino is the worst out of the two candidates, he is absolutely not fit for office his mind is in the sewer it's a cesspool full of pornographic videos.

Carl Paladino is trailer trash in 2009 he sent out pornographic videos using emails to entertain his co-workers and friends. When he got married to his wife that he cheats on, her father died shortly after they married and Carl Paladino inherited her father's real estate development business, that's how he became 150 million dollars richer. That's whose hands you're putting New York State into, the man is unstable and disturbed, and once you read the details about him, you will agree.


I feel like a fool after all these months I was supporting him on Westchester Online News, the internet and all the blogs, I feel terrible that I helped this man win the primary, but, he must not win the election, I hope it's not too late too reach all the New Yorkers that voted for him in the primary to inform them that this man is not fit for the Governors Office. He is also a racist.

It also is the responsibility for all the Online Press, TV News, Media, Radio, Blogs and Newspapers to inform the public about his pornographic perverted mind.

We removed our endorsement from Carl Paladino For Governor of New York!

~ The Westchester News.Com

LibertyAtStake กล่าวว่า...

"...and his detailed plans to create jobs for New Yorkers.."

Yeah, that's the problem with Lib Dems, they ALWAYS have "details," which is where you find the "devil."

"Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive"