วันจันทร์, กุมภาพันธ์ 22, 2553

What happened to the "renewed focus on jobs"?

I mean, isn't that what the Obama administration and the Democrats have been promising us for a month now? "We understand the anger", say Baracky and Silly Joe Biden. "It's about the economy"....

Well, that's somewhat true, as in people are certainly concerned when they see one political party putting a freakin' blowtorch to said economy in the name of "not wasting a crisis". But since the Chris Christie election, the Virginia Massacre, and the Scott Brown Shocker, what have we gotten from the Democrats?

-a $1 trillion dollar plan (if we're lucky) for a government takeover of the health care system, one that relies on tax hikes and service cuts to keep the bill down. Of course, if you project the costs over 20 years, well..that's a number that the Democrats don't seem willing to share. Do they think they'll all be dead in 20 years? Politically, yes, but corporeally?

-the creation of a "climate change office", overseen by the Commerce Department, whose primary goal is to turn America into a "command-and-control" economy by making every aspect of every business vulnerable to government regulation. What have they done so far? Well, Obama's hand-picked boss, Thomas Karl, has been accused of suppressing data - and there is more and more of it - that seems to prove that "climate change" doesn't exist. Well, we can't have that - without the crisis of "global warming", how will the Democrats seize the private sector?

-Well, they did come up with a bipartisan jobs bill. Oh, wait, scratch that - Reid has already kibosh'ed it. Too many tax cuts, don't you know...

-don't worry though, this will help investment and savings:

BusinessWeek reports that the Treasury and Labor departments are asking for public comment on “the conversion of 401(k) savings and Individual Retirement Accounts into annuities or other steady payment streams.

Guess they've figured out how to pay for health care reform: By seizing and nationalizing your 401K. No wonder there's such a rush on gold...

But what about jobs? Oh, Captain Ahab will get to that - after he slays the white whales of health care and "climate change". But at least he'll have plenty of your money to help him get it right....
