วันอังคาร, กุมภาพันธ์ 09, 2553

New Jersey Gays Turn On Democratic Party

Independant voters leaving the Democratic party is old news already, but if they can't hold on to the lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender community, who will be left besides a few race-hustlers and union thugs?

Smarting over the state Senate's refusal to pass marriage equality and disillusioned at the moment with the Democratic Party majority, Garden State Equality’s 85-member Board of Directors unanimously decided against giving financial contributions to political parties and their affiliated committees. Under the new policy, Garden State Equality will make financial contributions only to individual candidates and to non-party organizations that further equality for the LGBT community, according to a release issued this morning by the organization.

Garden State Equality estimates that since 2005 they have given $500,000 to Democratic Party candidates, while giving only minimally to Republicans.

"Is this a broadside at the Democratic Party?" asked Goldstein. "Of course, it is."

"...Other than organized labor, which is in its own league, no other constituency has been as loyal to the party..."

Well, I sympathize, to a certain extend - the LGBT community thought it was buying votes, and instead got screwed when the Democratic party got cold feet when the "marriage equality" vote came up, especially with Jon Corzine's stunning defeat still fresh in their minds.

But if Jersey Democrats really thought that gay marriage was a winning issue, they would have run with it. If it's not - and even the most liberal jurisdictions have voted against it - then aren't the Democrats in this case actually representing the will of the people, or in other words - doing their job? Or is the LGBT community telling the Dems that their money should speak louder than representative democracy?

Both sides are doing the right thing - Democrats by acting as representatives, and gays by pulling their campaign contributions. Maybe instead of whining and picking legislative and court fights, the LGBT community ought to continue to bring its case to the people. After all, New Jersey has traditionally been a blue state, meaning we are more enlightened, intelligent, kind and caring than your average American, for sure.

Or did all that change when we voted in Chris Christie?
