วันอังคาร, กุมภาพันธ์ 02, 2553

How Socialized Medicine Works...

...let's look at the "Canadian Model", one which supporters of health care reform have been raving about for years (even pre-Obama):

Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams is scheduled for heart surgery in the United States, a move that throws into question his province's and his nation's health-care system.

While some of his critics were tight-lipped Monday night, the online public questioned his exodus – why the care he needed was not available in Canada, or whether he preferred treatment in the U.S.
His departure for a U.S. hospital is being met with both sympathy and anger as few details have emerged.

...there could be good reason for Mr. Williams to have the operation in the United States if he has a complex heart condition that requires special expertise.
Rob Ritter, chief executive officer of the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association, was also conservative in his comments.
“I don't know if it's something that can be done in Newfoundland or can be done in Canada,” he said.

So one can only get "special expertise" in the wretched, miserable health-care system of the United States. Interesting. And when we quench that thirst for knowledge with the bureaucratic boot of health-care reform, wither will our socialists-lite go for treatment? Not to mention the average American...

From Instapundit:

The premier heading south is not new. The Canadian political elite has long headed to the US for medical services while – with straight faces – extolling the virtues of socialized medicine for everyone else. And US hospitals are always used to back up a system in Canada that can’t meet demand.
It prompts the question: If the US adopts Obamacare, how will the Canadian health care system survive

Or the average American?
