วันเสาร์, กุมภาพันธ์ 06, 2553

Barack Obama Burial Shrouds Now Available !

The president, finally, embraces the messianic status that his followers have anointed him with, and crows about how his devotees will be taking his likeness to the grave with them.

Last night, at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Washington, Barack Obama choose to tell the following story:

I got a letter -- I got a note today from one of my staff -- they forwarded it to me -- from a woman in St. Louis who had been part of our campaign, very active, who had passed away from breast cancer. She didn't have insurance. She couldn't afford it, so she had put off having the kind of exams that she needed. And she had fought a tough battle for four years. All through the campaign she was fighting it, but finally she succumbed to it. And she insisted she's going to be buried in an Obama t-shirt...

He then goes on to demagogue about health care, of course, which is either dead or not dead, depending on which side of his mouth the president is speaking from. And as usual, the whole story is not being told here, only the part which suits the president's agenda. The
Aggressive Progressive, while lionizing the Left's first "martyr for Obama", says more than he should about his hero's dubious decision-making:

Melanie had health insurance coverage. Sort of. Back in 2005 she was an entrepreneur struggling to grow her small business. She could only afford a catastrophic health insurance policy with co-pays and deductibles nearing $10,000.

So when the lump came, denial seemed the most pragmatic option...

Ah...denial is never a good option, especially when, as
Gateway Pundit points out, there were local hospitals in her metropolitan areas that provide free services for women just like her. Almost as if the free market had figured out a way to help the uninsured without government help! But we can't have that, oh no, and most martyrs will blow themselves up no matter how easily they can take a different path to a desired end (because the battle is often more about the path than the end result)...

Nice of Obama to exploit her, though, for his own ends, whether they be socialized medicine or self-aggrandization. Does Obama believe that the desire of one woman to use his visage as a burial shroud (she was cremated, actually ) will make the rest of us succumb to his cult status and finally - finally - stop questioning his radical restructuring of American society and allow him to destroy this nation in peace?

Unlikely. Instead, I think he is making more and more people very...nervous. About his abilities, about his goals, and about his sanity...

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My family and I have laughed and laughed over this post. :)