วันศุกร์, กุมภาพันธ์ 05, 2553

Heads, The Goverment Takes Your Money. Tails...

...the government still takes your money. The New York Daily News:

CONSERVING WATER is typically a good thing - except when you're penalized for your frugality.
Elected officials are urging people to speak out against the Water Board's potential double-digit water rate hike at a public hearing in
St. Albans on Feb. 16.

The rate hike is needed, officials have said, because people are using less water, which means less revenue.

The agency is holding public hearings in each borough to discuss water rates, which could climb as much as 14.3%, according to documents obtained by the Daily News. That's on top of the 12.9% increase in 2009 and 14.5% hike in 2008.

Learn this lesson well. The government taxes many personal items on the basis of, say, "sin", and makes plans to spend that money well into the future. When the inevitable decline in usage prompts the inevitable decline in revenues, the government must then choose between limiting its spending or creating more "sins" for them to tax. And we all know how this works out...

Of course, water usage is not a sin. But conservation of our natural resources is supposed to be a good deed, in fact a virtual moral imperative to those now in power. But the consequences of such a policy are declines in revenues from fees on resource usage, and that brings us back to the point made above: Cut back at the "water-board", or continue to "soak" the taxpayer. And we can see where this is heading as well...

Remember this, when Obama and the Democrats tell you that their taxes on the "sin usage" of income, carbon and health-care plans are going to easily cover their trillion-dollar expansion of government...
