วันอังคาร, กุมภาพันธ์ 23, 2553

Delahunt Denies Springing Mass-Murderer Amy Bishop

Via JammieWearingFool, we get a very weak defense by Rep. Bill Delahunt (D-MA) of his involvement some twenty-odd years ago in Amy Bishop's first murder:

U.S. Rep. William Delahunt, the former district attorney whose office investigated the fatal 1986 shooting of Seth Bishop by his sister Amy, said Monday he does not feel his office “bears any responsibility” for Bishop being freed without charges.

In a telephone interview with the Patriot Ledger, the Quincy Democrat said State Police Trooper Brian Howe correctly concluded that Amy Bishop shot and killed her 18-year-old brother, Seth, by accident. But Delahunt said he has “very serious concerns” that Braintree police never alerted Howe or his prosecutors that, after the shooting, Amy Bishop fled with a loaded shotgun and allegedly tried to steal a getaway car from two men at gunpoint. He also raised concerns that Howe and the district attorney’s office were not told that Bishop was arrested after a brief armed standoff with police.

"We never had that information,” said Delahunt, who was Norfolk County district attorney at the time....

This is the Obama "throw everyone else under the bus and get behind the wheel and drive, baby drive!" type of defense that is falling out of favor with the public faster than today's health-care plan.

Former Braintree Police Chief John Polio is 87 years old and doesn't seem to give a f*ck about the politics of policing anymore (ah, the luxury of age), and kicks it right back in Delahunt's face:

I don’t find the State Police recent findings nor Congressman Delahunt’s statement made this day to be credible—only political. It should be noted that, in all other investigations that the Braintree Police Department turned over to the Norfolk County District Attorney’s office, we provided them copies of all of our department’s reports and all physical evidence. Why would this case be any different?

Seem like Polio, even 20 years ago, had Delahunt's number:

He called Delahunt, the district attorney at the time, “a politician ... a hanger-on,” saying, “If he has a political future, it’s a sad commentary on our society.”

And look where our society is. Polio is a prophet, and Delahunt is an accessory to murder. And like the most cold-blooded of his ilk, he feels as if he "bears no responsibility" for the carnage Bishop has churned since he let her off the hook all those years ago. With liberals, it's all about intentions, and the result is inconsequential, as long as their motives were pure (remember that when you health-care is on the line).

And besides - it's everyone else's fault, not Bill's. Interesting defense. Sounds almost...familiar, somehow. Let's see how well it plays with the voters this November - that is, if the Congressman even has the guts to run....

3 ความคิดเห็น:

Conservative Libertine กล่าวว่า...

And apparently the gun was discharged 3 times.........accidentally.

Her excuse was that she was asking for help on how to reload.

"Hey can you help me oops? Can you show me uh-oh the double barrel is empty now. oh, there it is "


It's killing the state run media that they cannot link her to the tea party.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Oh, give them time, they'll figure out a way...

http://www.ehow.com/members/stevemar2-articles.html กล่าวว่า...

Amy Bishop is a monster! Keep her locked up!