วันพฤหัสบดี, กุมภาพันธ์ 04, 2553

Barack Obama Imagines There's No Religion...Except His

...because as any liberal sophisticate will tell you, it's only those backwoods rubes who cling to God...

The Washington Post tries to make ex uses for Obama's utter lack of interest in his (or any) religious faith:

Every morning, sometimes as early as 5:30 a.m., a short religious passage comes across President Obama's BlackBerry, sent by one of his aides....

Yeah, and I have followers on Twitter that send them too. I'm unimpressed.

At other moments, Obama prays privately, his advisers said.

So do we all. I'm unimpressed

More than a year into his presidency, Obama has not chosen a church in Washington, and has attended services just four times...

...Asked why the public did not hear much about his faith during his first year in office, she [Valerie Jarret] nodded and said, "He's had a lot on his plate."

Too busy for a little bit of God?

Look - plenty of folks don't have religion, the national average is about 15% with the progressive Northeast standing tall with a 33% rejection of God. So while Obama's disdain of the church is well within the norm of his selected peer group (godless liberals), he is well outside the norm of everyday Americans, the ones who, ironically, have been deserting him in ever-increasing numbers.

For the average American, religion plays a greater role in their lives than four "major-holiday" visits to church a year. It informs their decisions (to a certain degree), it gives them guidance on the dark and winding path that is daily life, and it infuses the "everyday routine" with more meaning and emotion than it might have in a world where chaos rules our lives, where morality is fleeting, and our bodies are mere soulless sacks of flesh.

Is this another reason why Obama cannot connect with his nation anymore? Because while the people commune with their souls and their God on weekends, their president meditates on furthering his left-wing agenda, as much an article of faith to him as the bible is to others?

His lack of religion - and respect for it - was on display today at the National Payer Breakfast this morning in Washington:

The president pushed immigration, Obamacare, gay marriage, cap and trade, etc...

To the president, political liberalism is a religion. Unfortunately, it is one that is rejected by at least 2/3rds of all Americans.

And maybe this is the key to the big "falling out" we are seeing between the president and the American people. In a free country, nobody wants religion pushed down their throats, especially one which insists that the High Priests - the federal government - receive a larger and larger share of your paycheck, in return for which they will involve themselves in every aspect of your life - dictating behavior, commodity usage, and access to health care. All for the common good, of course.

And perhaps Obama sees himself as nothing more than the leader of this new religion, and thus troubles himself with little more than being a charismatic, leaving the details of control to his minions.

If this is the key to the developing rift between The Party and the people, the differences may be irreconcilable. Obama appears to be clutching tightly to the tenets of liberalism, while the rest of us cling on to...well, you know the rest...

3 ความคิดเห็น:

Right Truth กล่าวว่า...

Obama didn't even go to church on Christmas. You are right, he has nothing in common with the average American voter.

Right Truth

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Did not know that...even Jerseynut the Jew has made it to church on the occasional Christmas...

nice of him to deny his daughters the experience....

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

The Obamas don't even give Christmas presents to their daughters, which would be totally fine if they didn't pretend to be Christian. Either you're Christian, or of another faith, or you're not. You can't be just enough to appease people.