วันพุธ, กุมภาพันธ์ 17, 2553

Amy Bishop: Liberal Nutjob ?

[updated, and bumped]

Why do I have a feeling that if Amy Bishop (who killed her brother in '86, and tried to kill a Harvard professor in 1993 before slaughtering the faculty at the U of Alabama) was a Tea Party member, or had appeared once at say, a Sarah Palin event, similar facts as the one quoted below would not appear buried in the 15th paragraph of a 17 paragraph story:

A family source said Bishop, a mother of four children - the youngest a third-grade boy - was a far-left political extremist who was “obsessed” with President Obama to the point of being off-putting.

More likely, were the poles reversed, we would have seen a lede like this:

Unhinged, Harvard-educated, Liberal professor Amy Bishop went on a tragic killing spree on the campus of the University of Alabama yesterday...

....the campus where Doc Bishop brought a gun and killed 3 people was a "gun free zone." Which means only that law-abiding citizens are not able to legally carry concealed handguns with which to protect themselves and others when a non-law-abiding insane person ignores the "No Guns" signs and opens fire.

And there is this, from a student:

...she is a socialist but she only talks about it after class.

Well, that takes her off the hook. And what about this piece of weirdness, which again would be in paragraph one if Mrs. Bishop wasn't one of the High Priestesses of Academia:

Bishop and her husband reportedly met in a Dungeons and Dragons club when they were at Northeastern...

And the connections to Massachusetts Congressman Bill Delahunt (D - Murders and Various Felons), who apparently forced an early "case closed & turn her loose" on the local PD back in 1986 when Bishop killed her own brother? Hard to find anywhere in the MSM, whereas if the connection was with a killer with conservative views who was previously turned loose by a Republican, well...you can only imagine the media field day...

Reminds me a bit of the coverage of the murderous Major Hassan - after his killing spree at Fort Hood, one could barely find a mention anywhere that he was a practicing Muslim, no less the full-bore jihadi that he was...

The question is: How many more left-wing nuts like Amy Bishop are out there? And how do we protect ourselves from gun-totin' liberals, who shoot innocent folks up when they don't get their way?

Evidently, the media will not shine any light here, lest some ugly truths unveil themselves. Will Janet "Big Sister" Napolitano, in the name of Homeland Security, put out a report investigating and identifying these potential terrorists, the way she did early in her tenure with conservatives? Will op-ed columnists hold the Democratic party responsible, the way they hold the Republicans responsible every time a sparrow falls from a tree? And what is Barack Obama's role and responsibility here; after all, she was obsessed with him - did he provide an emotional trigger via his "stirring" rhetoric?

All questions that deserve answers, but will not receive any. In the meantime, view any liberal with caution and suspicion, and assume them to be armed and dangerous...

UPDATE: More thoughts, which I deem to be relevent, as we always here how mcuh we should trust Obama and his cadres, as they are "Havard educated":

The new stories say the woman professor was "Harvard-trained." On the surface you'd think that would mean she was highly qualified, and an unlikely candidate to fail the tenure process at the University of Alabama...I also wonder if she wasn't passed through Harvard according to the gender version of affirmative action. Maybe she wasn't that good, and the tenure decision was quite correct....

Back in December out in Seattle there was a rash of murders of police officers. The culprit, when finally apprehended, turned out to be a fellow who had been passed out of the University of Washington under the usual academic "victims studies" programs that inflame grievances but impart little knowledge. Wonder if we will find out something similar in this case, or whether, as was the case in the Seattle shooter, the media even bother to ask.

1 ความคิดเห็น:

L. M. O'Neal กล่าวว่า...

You are accurate in your assessment. Liberal media has failed to report the true evil residing in Amy Bishop. This is no surprise; media as a whole are evil and love pain and suffering, along with blood and guts - as long as its not theirs. The progressive media and educators want conservatives dead. "Educate in ignorance - punish through ignorance." www.citizensus.blogspot.com