วันพฤหัสบดี, พฤศจิกายน 12, 2552

Was Doug Hoffman Robbed?

Or did he just make a Gore-ian mistake?

Conservative Doug Hoffman conceded the race in the 23rd Congressional District last week after receiving two pieces of grim news for his campaign: He was down 5,335 votes with 93 percent of the vote counted on election night, and he had barely won his stronghold in Oswego County.
As it turns out, neither was true...

Apparently, a number of precincts reported zero total votes for Hoffman, a near impossibility:

There's something strange going on up in New York's 23rd congressional district...

Unless Conservative candidate Doug Hoffman got exactly zero votes in the town of Fenner (Owens got 157, Scozzafava got 248), and at one polling place in the town of Hamilton (Owens got 75, Scozzafava got 79), and at one polling place in the town of Sullivan (Owens got 173, Scozzafava got 251), the initial vote totals look rather hinky. By comparison, the lowest number of votes that Owens got at any polling place was 57; the lowest number the withdrawn candidate Scozzafava got was 2.

It's not impossible that no one in any of those places chose to vote for Hoffman, but it certainly seems unusual for a guy who got 45 percent district-wide.

More from the top link:

In Oswego County, where Hoffman was reported to lead by only 500 votes with 93 percent of the vote counted election night, inspectors found Hoffman actually won by 1,748 votes -- 12,748 to 11,000.

...Now a re-canvassing in the 11-county district shows that Owens’ lead has narrowed to 3,026 votes over Hoffman, 66,698 to 63,672, according to the latest unofficial results from the state Board of Elections.

Just over 10,000 absentee ballots were sent out; no exact figure has been provided on the number that were submitted (and valid), but it has been reported that Jefferson County, home of Fort Drum and the Army's 10th Mountain Division, had over 1300 ballots returned that were as yet uncounted. One can safely assume that the majority of these votes were not for Mr. Owens.

Even if 50% of the absentee ballots were returned, can Hoffman pick up the 3000+ votes required to put him over the top in a three horse race? It's doubtful, but not impossible, that he could pick up 75% of the absentee vote.

And how did the votes get so drastically "miscounted" in the early going? Perhaps the frustrated party regulars manning the polls - both Democrats and Republicans - could not countenance an upstart usurping their long-uncontested dominance in the political sphere. Hey, mistakes happen, you know?

But the sickening possibility that ObamaCare passed the House by a single vote from a fraudulent member of Congress must be investigated to the fullest. The Democrats like to brag about "every vote being counted", so let's see how much effort is put forth into making sure the residents of the 23rd got the representative they voted for....

UPDATE: RS McCain adds:

...the fact that Democrat Bill Owens was sworn in -- and voted for ObamaCare -- before the official result was certified by New York election officials, demonstrates the fundamental lawlessness of Nancy Pelosi's regime in Washington.

And another thought - who will rewrite the "Republican Party is in the midst of a civil war" meme that has become all the rage in the MSM, if Hoffman should win?

Or will they simply pull a "Van Jones", and not report it?

3 ความคิดเห็น:

Publius กล่าวว่า...

I think you're right. It's entirely plausible that the two party system colluded to keep out the third party guy. Even if it was just a ' that's not the way we do things around here' sort of message.

I don't however think that the out come affected the passing of Obamacare. It was always going to pass by one vote. If you replaced Owens with Hoffman today, and re-held the vote, it would still pass by one vote. It was always just a matter of who gets bought off and who has to walk the plank.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

"law" be damned. It is morally wrong for an "elected" candidate to assume the duties of the position if their "victory" has not yet been certified by the state. If the absentee ballots have not yet been counted, then there is no way that such a call can be made. Especially if enough absentee ballots were sent out that they could change the outcome.

Owens' vote should be nullified.

I am fed up to the breaking point with dirty elections. Do the job right or get out.

78W x15

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

I think that the lone Republican that voted for the bill said he would not have voted for it if he was the deciding vote. I think....

And if it turns out that ObamaCare was passed and instituted by one vote - a fraudulent one, a ringer hustled in by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats - I think you'd almost see a "revolutionary" anger. Well - tar and feathers, at least...