วันอาทิตย์, พฤศจิกายน 22, 2552

Did Michelle Obama Drive Oprah Out of Chicago?

There can be only one Queen of the Windy City, bitch..

National Inquirer reports on how the First "Lady" has usurped and exiled the Doyenne of Daytime:

A distraught Oprah Winfrey is telling pals her "thank you" for helping Barack Obama win the presidency has been a knife in the back.

A jealous first lady has frozen the talk queen out of the White House inner circle, say insiders. "Oprah is devastated," revealed a friend.

"She had no idea that Michelle was so jealous about the influence she had on Barack. She hated the way her husband would huddle with Oprah over strategy and jump when she called.

....Michelle has made it clear she is no longer interested in being friends with Oprah and is going to block her from access to the President."

Looks like Michelle has her own version of the Obama "bus" -maybe a minivan with 18-inch deep-tread tires - that she uses to roll over those who have outlived their usefulness...or are cutting into her influence with her husband....

Welcome to the club, Oprah. Hey - we were promised Hope and Change, and all we got was slapstick socialism. Why should you make out any better? Your support for Barack Obama cost you viewers and your aura, and your star has declined with his. You exchanged your invaluable personal currency for what you thought would be a girlfriend in the White House and a president's ear, but instead got hustled, defrauded, and shown the door.

And as you wind down your show (the way many a middle-class businessman are winding down their shops under the Rule of the One), and while you might be exiled from Chicago - Michelle cannot let a perceived rival, especially a fellow "Queen", continue to rule such an important strategic outpost - you at least have a mansion on the West Coast and $2.7 billion to tide you over from the madness you have brought upon us.

We who have less knew better, but alas, we don't all have talk shows.

And where the hell is this issue of Newsweek, by the way? I've been looking and looking and looking all over...

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dsi r4 กล่าวว่า...

I like this article but..
Can someone tell me about Barack Obama?
I know that he is a serious candidate for '08, but I would like to know where he stands on the issues. I checked his site but nowhere can I find the info. i am looking for.
so please tell me...