วันอาทิตย์, พฤศจิกายน 15, 2552

Code Pink Hits Bottom, Digs....

And you though waging an anti-war protest in front of Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., where military members who had served in Iraq were recovering from their wounds, was as low as the attention-whores of Code Pink could go....


Today finds their website hawking a new pitch to President Obama:

The recent shootings at Ft. Hood and the resignation of top Foreign Service officer Matthew Hoh demonstrate how even our military officers are opposed to US strategy in Afghanistan. Our troops are overtaxed and exhausted after facing one deployment after another, and many are not receiving the mental and physical care they require.

Personally, that's an offensive a smear against our fine officers in the armed services that I've heard from the Left to date, perhaps with the exception of MoveOn's "General Betray-Us" ad campaign. And I doubt your average grunt in the field is going to like being called "overtaxed", with possible "mental" exhaustion...

Although I can see the argument having some force with Mr. Obama, who appears to loathe the idea of adding additional soldiers to the Afghanistan effort. And with the mainstream media as well, who continue to try to peddle an alternative-reality spin on the Ft. Hood massacre.

I wonder what the parents of the dead think of Code Pink's line of argument here.

Best not to ask, I suppose...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Publius กล่าวว่า...

I cannot express how much I loathe the do-anything-say-anything wrinkly see you next tuesday anti-American bitches who call themselves code pink.

They can say whatever they want, they can shout down senate hearing committees, but if someone expresses opposition at a town hall meeting it is considered violence. Why has code pink never been tagged as a violent political faction? Hmmmm? I wonder.......