วันพุธ, พฤศจิกายน 18, 2552

Taxes Are For Suckers!

...because while you and I dutifully pay what we owe, the well-connected and well-off liberal elite are laughing their asses off, as they sip champagne with hookers while rolling around on top of pillowcases full of cocaine....

Maybe Obama should go after his chums and associates before squeezing more ducats out of what remains of the middle class...

Anyway, we're talking about the curious case of Lael Brainard, president Barack Obama's nominee for the position of "Undersecretary of the Treasury for International Affairs". And what type of little tax-paying "oopsies" has Ms. Brainard had? Via TaxProf :

(1) twelve late payments of real estate and personal property taxes, and late payment of unemployment taxes; (2) failure to timely file employment eligibility verification forms for her household help; and (3) failure to substantiate home office deductions

And the Democrats respond forcefully:

Senate Finance Committee Chair Max Baucus today announced that he would support the nomination and that the committee would soon vote on the nomination...

No double standard for government employees and private sector citizens, huh? No nepotism either:

Brainard is married to Kurt Campbell, the current Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs.

Not even a hint of a conflict of interest! Most ethical administration evah!

As Glenn Reynolds would say, the country's in the best of hands....

Miss Lael: Champagne-slurping tax cheat, or cocaine-snorting hooker?
