วันอาทิตย์, พฤศจิกายน 08, 2552

Would Be Funny Were It Not So Deadly...

Mark Steyn on how he anticipates the media to react to the case of our murderous Islamist Army Major, Nidal Hasan:

Watch the nothing-to-see-here media driveling on about pre-post-traumatic stress disorder like gibbering lunatics in a padded cell...

And Time magazine cheerfully obliges:

As an army psychiatrist treating soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, Major Nidal Malik Hasan had a front row seat on the brutal toll of war. It is too early to know exactly what may have triggered his murderous shooting rampage Thursday at Fort Hood - Hasan is accused of killing 12 people and wounding 32 others before he was wounded by a police officer - but it is not uncommon for therapists treating soldiers with Post Trumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.) to be swept up in a patient's displays of war-related paranoia, helplessness and fury....

...At Fort Hood...there was no shortage of horrific tales that could have set loose the demons in Hasan's mind.

Thank goodness the mainstream media is about as relevant these days as a Virginia Democrat...
